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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Nice 'burban. Now you can quit stalking my X.
  2. If it was any other game than Vancouver i'd sell you mine, but the Canucks are my favorite team. You can always buy tickets at the gate or from scalpers, cheap. Also, check out the Blue Jackets forum on HFBoards.com. They have a sticky thread for tickets.
  3. That's funny but how did you miss this story. http://www.foxtoledo.com/dpps/news/offbeat/women-embrace-pole-dancing-for-jesus-_3755775
  4. nice bikes. Welcome to OR!
  5. IMO opinion they have put up the chipping and driving nets in the locker room and booked the prime tee times. The March schedule was set form them to make a serious push for the Playoffs but then Mason got a case of fragile confidence, Nash went to sleep and Russell / Tyutin decided it was more fun to pass to the oppostion than their own teammates. Don't know if I'll go back for season 11. As for the little kid, my money is that he was a players son. He was head and shoulders above everyone else in all aspects.
  6. +1. When we bought AT&T, the AT&T name and image was a more recognizable brand on a national and global perspective so that is why SBC became AT&T. It was marketing 101.
  7. FTFY. That is the sole purpose behind this. Mobility is one our key revenue streams.
  8. I found this parked in one of the spots I normally park in at the Blue Jackets game today. I sure hope they don't mind one tire being a bit shinier than the other 3. fap..fap...fap
  9. This should make for some good conversations at work tomorrow. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/ts_afp/usgermanytelecomcompanymerger
  10. cmh_sprint

    My new toy

    Pimpin' ain't easy. Nice ride!
  11. That plane was actually flown by a member of the opposition and had a mechanical issue which lead to the crash. The opposition got half a dozen or so broken planes that had been left at an airbase they took over. So far 2 of them have crashed.
  12. Britney Spears as their anthem....WTF ?!? This has more facepalm that be described.
  13. Someone associated with Lucky's Bar & Grill must have pissed off the po po. They had a checkpoint set-up less than a quarter mile south of thier location in Marysville yesterday. Checks points near both locations, good for business.....
  14. Damn, at least throw in a PB&J sammich for gem like that.
  15. Well we do have the Spring Dyno Day in 4 weeks. Motorcycles, donuts and a massive sugar high.........
  16. Mahjongg, Flick Fishing, Flight Deck, Planets (for people who like looking at stars and planets), F1 live24 (F1 racing news and live feeds for races)
  17. Japanese military has begun what can deemed for all intensive purposes suicide missions to dump water on the exposed rods. They are flying in helicopters with 1000 gallon buckets hung underneath. So far 1 out of 4 attempts hit the target. Thoughts and prayers for the brave folks that are now going to and have already sacrifice their lives to help bring and end to the immediate danger.
  18. Nice loop Ben. I wish I could go. I'll be on a golf weekend. I has a sad.
  19. Well if this wasn't already at the oh fuck stage.....a 4th reactor is on fire. Radiation levels are rising and the wind patterns for the next 18 - 20 hours will blow the fallout towards Tokyo. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ap_on_bi_ge/as_japan_earthquake_nuclear_crisis http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/14/japan.disaster/index.html?hpt=T1&iref=BN1#
  20. CNN is reporting that there was a second explosion in reactor #2 about 2 hours ago.
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