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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Nice ride! I wish my wife's had the full size bed.
  2. Picked this up yesterday. Sonata Limited w/2.0 turbo & Navi. Love the engine. I can't wait to get it broke in and see what it will really do.
  3. Welcome to OR. Spent the first 20 years of my life in NWO and a few good nights in BG back in the day.
  4. That is a hell of a deal. I love my Asym's. I may have to buy a set as a back-up.
  5. I love Chicago. The wife and I have gone every year for the past 4 as a quick Spring get away. Alas, she starts school at the end of the month, so another streak shot in the ass. The views from ST and Water Tower Place are awesome. We did the river cruise last year and got caught in a storm out on Lake Michigan. I took some pretty cool pics. I'll post up later. We always stay at the Hard Rock. Can't beat Rosebud's for Italian food and Giordano's for stuffed pizza.
  6. Good to see that the almighty blessed this idiot with the gift of good grammar... Not not
  7. sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and say fuck it....I believe this is one of those times.
  8. - age of furnace, water heater, roof, etc - signs of wood rot on any exposed wood (exterior) - signs of water damage or moisture in the basement - moisture (fog, water droplets) between the pains of glass in the windows
  9. Beer bread....nom nom nom
  10. never had any of their beer. I was curious if anyone else had. In my experience beers with high AC( >8%) taste like shit except a few micro brews I've been too.
  11. I can't drink them all the time but I do like a nice full bodied beer from time to time.
  12. Anyone had it? Sitting here drinking a Yuengling and decided to do some alcohol content research. Lowest AC in the Flying Dog line-up is 4.8% with the highest being 11.5%. Most of their beers look like they will get you fucked up by along with filling you up, highest carb content is 21.5g. Alcoholic liquid bread, yummy.
  13. Houston rocks! 1 speed trap per 6166 citizens in the Houston metro area. Although if you figure in all of the illegals then it is probably 1 per 20,000. Either way that's a serious revenue stream.
  14. +1. Welcome to OR! Good lucky on the search. I was going to give you the link to the 675 that is for sale on here but you already found it.
  15. Let the cat fights begin. I though for sure she went by the way of the dinosaur after the conflicts of last year.
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