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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. cmh_sprint

    New Baby

    Congrats Keith! Post a pic when you have time.
  2. I saw this on Wednesday. I'm thinking this guy will have a short sentence. I think the prison population will take care of him.
  3. That's fucked up! It's been said a million times before but people fucking suck. Probably some asshat texting or talking on their cell and not paying attention. Hopefully karma shows up in their life in the near future.
  4. I had this happen about a year and a half ago. I went to pay for stuff at Lowes and the lady told me she had to confiscate my card. I asked why and she said she couldn't tell me, to which I calmly asked for the phone to call the credit card company. I called them and got the same answer and every time I heard sorry I asked for a higher level person to speak to in a louder voice, which made the clerk very uneasy. Long and short someone's data base was compromised so they proactively cancelled my checking card. Once I got the whole story my I was ok but explained that it might be a good idea to send and e-mail or call the affected people rather than use snail mail as they chose to do. I got the letter and my new card 4 days later.
  5. Congrats! Kids are the best!
  6. I picked up the Skullcandy ASYM's after reading a bunch of posts on here. They are by far the most comfortable set of earbuds I've had. The way they sit in your ear you can't hardly tell they are there. They also do a fair job at blocking any wind noise you may get in your helmet. http://www.skullcandy.com/shop/asym-black.html
  7. The Mrs. and I will be there but not until after the Blue Jackets game.
  8. ~3000. Wasn't a good year for riding. Most of the miles were commuting.
  9. I don't buy that it was an airplane. Civilian planes don't have flames coming out of the engines, not to mention only 1 engine. A single engine military plane in afterburner would not leave that large of a contrail.
  10. WOW.....to each their own but that has to be one of the worst things I've ever heard. Give me the master of the Canadian Tuxedo version any day over that steaming pile.
  11. wow. I bet he has some stories to tell. It's still a hard job today but that was an ass kicker working on the boats back then.
  12. Good post Tyler. This is one of those moments in my life on the same level as the Challenger explosion, 9/11, etc. We had close family friends that knew Capt. McSorley and have a company flag off of the Fitzgerald. Boat watching has always been a big hobby of mine having grown up on the east side of Toledo and spending alot of my youth watching the shipping traffic around Saulte Ste. Marie, Michigan. I still have all the news paper clipping from the Toledo Blade. If you ever go to the UP go to the museum ship Valley Camp in Saulte Ste. Marie. They have one of the life boats from the Fitz, the amount of damage from the waves is incredible. There is also a good display at the Great Lakes museum at Whitefish Point.
  13. I believe cheezoto was saying something similar: double yellow, what double yellow? The unfortunite thing is they usually figure it out at someone else's expense.
  14. Last movie I saw at the theater was Toy Story 2. +1 on the old feeling. Hell I remember when I got my first pong video game and thought it was the shit, now that's old!
  15. I saw the trailer during the Steelers games last night. It looks awesome. I just saw the original again a few weeks ago. May be a good reason to break my 12 year streak of not going to a movie theater.
  16. Of course they will, it's India and they can't ride 700lb Kaw's. That would go against Hinduism.
  17. 340 or 440? Mine are still tucked away in the trailer. I need to get them out and ready to hit when the white stuff starts flying. The wife's sled is in pretty good shape, need to throw some new slides on my sled.
  18. Good news for the company I work for. We are providing all the telecomm services for HD in India.
  19. +1. Always loved the 109R's. That bike is smokin'.
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