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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. He looks like someone who would "accidentally" slip. I can only image what the loud noise was that scared the horse.
  2. ~ 75 ft. Bed to bathroom to coffee pot to office. Work at home FTW
  3. +1. That is exactly what I thought when i heard it.
  4. holy shit, it's Animal from the Muppets.
  5. It won't happen until they appear over a major city. However, it his was annouced with credible information and details, it would be interesting to sit back and watch organized religion implode.
  6. That's funny, but seriously WTF!?!
  7. cmh_sprint


    Sorry to here about this. My wife is a Physical Therapy Assistant and deals with this all the time while doing insurance checks. The fine print is a bitch on these policies. Some policies have a 10 visit cap and some have a $75 copay per visit. Hopefully you have a good therapist. I would recommend you spend your remaining visits have your therpist lay out an exercise plan that you can do at home or a gym for the duration of your recovery.
  8. Thiels Wheels in Upper Sandusky is hosting the unveiling of the 2011 Triumph Sprint Gt this weekend 10/8 & 10/9. Demo rides are on 10/9.
  9. +1. Also not a big fan of the annorexic exposed rib cage look. All I can hear her say is "if you look right here you can see my heart."
  10. Maybe if the owner of Segway would have had this instead of his ride, he might have avoided that trip off the cliff.
  11. Be sure to read the Q&A at the bottom http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400153979748&ru=http://search.ebay.com:80/search/search.dll%3F%26rvr_id%3D145166384238%26satitle%3D400153979748%26fvi%3D1&viewitem
  12. Poached from another board. Some interesting history. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/8029948/First-World-War-officially-ends.html
  13. I was an R8 in front of Rock Bottom Brewery when we were in Indy for MotoGP. Soooo sexy!
  14. cmh_sprint

    Dub FX

    nice find...the main reason I like Youtube is to find new music.
  15. If my body could take a forward leaning position I would go with the current Kawi Conni, if not then I'd go with a Wing.
  16. +1. Winter = snowmobiling. Banging through the trails and ditches at an agressive pace or blasting across a lake or river at 120+ mph is hard to beat. Winter is what you make of it. Spend some money on some decent winter outdoor clothes and have some fun. Winter has been my favorite season since I was a kid.
  17. I must be part car then, because I blew a lot of chunks in the 80's. ( no homo-erotic undertones)
  18. +1. My stomach was flipping just watching that.
  19. Congrats! May Sidney get a stick in the most uncomfortable of places.
  20. I have the boys soccer in the morning and should be home by 10. We can meet in Marysville and take 31/68/75 for the direct route up. I know Ben had mentioned another way for coming back. I'm open for anything, calling for great weather. We better enjoy it while we can.
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