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Everything posted by jbot

  1. no way... his hair is way whacked. nugent, baby
  2. i have no false pretenses that any idea that might be generated out of any discussion here would make a difference, but unfortunately, i think some laws (useless, reactionary measures) WILL get passed, and i'm trying to see what people would come up with the basis that if something had to be passed into law, what would it be? my thinking is, if SOMETHING had to be passed, instead of looking at it from point of view where we're making it even harder for regular citizens to purchase them legally (and not impacting illegal sales), I'd approach it with a point of view where we're going after those who are actually committing crimes/felonies. like it was pointed out, it's already illegal to make a straw man purchase, and already illegal for an FFL to sell to those who are not eligible to own/possess guns. so what else can be done that makes sense? i'm not for passing any new laws on this, so don't get your panties in a bunch or anything... more of a theoretical question of: if tomorrow, we had to pass SOME/ANY law to help bring down crime with fire arms (even if it IS a small number), what would your idea be? and trying to keep it realistic while we're at it, not something like "cut their fucking heads off"
  3. basically, weekend of the bike show. i'd say saturday unless people say otherwise
  4. i cannot condone any new laws that mandate the following (and surely, i will forget some): registration (sets up for enforceable confiscation) adding expense mandatory anything when it comes to private party sales (it's your property, you should be free to sell it in the manner you deem fit) i do condone: education easily accessible background checks that are free to user (assuming no record is kept and verification for person being checked)
  5. i agree with you that making it available would be a nice option for those who want it, but i don't agree with regulating private party sales.
  6. i object to mandated background checks (free or not), but i do think it would be nice to have fast, free, easy access to perform a background check (though not en masse, only on a one by one basis) where no record that the background check was done is retained. it's an interesting idea, and i have many things i'd say in response to that, but i want to limit the conversation to "how do we limit illegal access to our guns". also, i'd like to limit any statistics/data provided as "proof" to back a stance to be drawn from reasonably non-biased sources. i know it's hard to define what source is "non-biased" but i'd say any study performed directly by a government agency as being reasonably unbiased (I know that sounds dumb, but i think it's close enough). for example, ATF stats, FBI crime stats, etc.
  7. I don't know why this hasn't come up, but let's get a little practical: where do criminals get their guns? A good chunk of the general populace who are uneducated and likely have never shot a gun, much less know how they even work, are screaming for gun control. I abhor the idea, I think it's misguided and I think a little education could go a long way... but massholes will be massholes, they will never bother to learn much about anything, and there is a good chance some stupid law will be passed due to pure ignorance. So, since every time some ass clown shoots up a place, and many MANY of those times, the guns used were procured illegally, how do we stop that? I have no delusions that this conversation will go anywhere other than being forgotten in short time... but every time something awful happens, the public who don't know any better say "let's ban this/that gun! we'll be safer lol" even if it's limited to our little group, what can we do to do our part to make sure the crazies and the proven criminals don't get access to our guns, or guns in general? here is what i've found so far. much of this we already knew. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/guns/procon/guns.html http://www.showmasters.us/Portals/0/pdf/Firearms%20Use%20by%20Offenders.pdf a discussion already had in 2011 at the firing line forum: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=458974 what do you think? when you do your own search, you'll come across some truly atrocious BS on this topic. god bless the internets.
  8. there is "right" and there is "realistic" and "abominable but livable" pick one, varying on a scale of "pigs fly" to "pipe dreams" to "maybe possible" just like the would be gun confiscators are working in baby steps, we too must do the same.
  9. jbot

    I'm back!!

    get really good liability insurance and congrats.
  10. their system is so old and inefficient (tons and tons of actual folders, combed through one by one) that if they would implement an automated electronic system, they would blow through this crap SOOOOOOOOOO much faster. there is absolutely NO reason for a suppressor or SBR application (never mind the fact that there should be none in the first place) to take anywhere from 6-8 months. that, and they have no reason to speed up the process since this is their plan in the first place, to slow it down to a crawl so it's an absolute hassle to get it and make it almost too expensive too own for most people. i am sure that individually, the ATF workers are doing their best, but as a whole and their supervisors are utter garbage for forcing this bullshit system on people.
  11. too bad i have my eyes set on a multistrada... damn you and your awful timing.
  12. i think if we're doing the whole "teachers volunteering to carry in classes" thing, they can go the extra mile and ask the range for a receipt showing hours. i'm sure most ranges (indoor, outdoor, private or public) will be happy to provide a piece of paper with some numbers on it. better yet, the NRA or local gun advocates group will make an appropriate yearly course that has range time as well as other training at other intervals.
  13. time to make a list of people who propose confiscations and make sure they are voted out the next election day.
  14. oh great, now there will be blood in the streets AAAAAAAND class rooms!!!!11!1!
  15. So is he putting only half his weight behind the fiscal cliff thing?
  16. the internets will halp you: http://www.slickguns.com/ just back order the stuff if you have even a modicum of patience and ability to remain calm in the face of massholes making masshole decisions. either demand will die down, or people will start fire sales due to credit card bill stacking up from panic buying.
  17. above all else, we should be thankful that the kid couldnt hit jack shit
  18. what i dont get is, the mindset of those guys getting just destroyed in the corners being so eager to pass him back on the straight? wouldn't you just let up a little bit on the straight to see what he's doing better in the corner? checking your ego is critical to learning, especially at the track.
  19. jbot


    i kinda like manual winds with neat leather bands, myself
  20. i win arguments with sheer brilliance, wit, and well timed yo mama jokes.
  21. i wrote my representative (LaTourette) and senators. i hope you all do too, no matter what side of the coin you're on. i asked that if any legislation is passed, that it only include measures that are practical and useful, not reactionary and uninformed and generally pointless.
  22. i wanna go shooting but busy til later tonight.
  23. i just want you guys to buy them all up so i can buy them from you for $5/ea when you realize you have 20+ mags and that you were never interested in shooting the AR until just recently. ....ohhhh ho ho ho ho ho
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