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Everything posted by jbot

  1. what days were you thinking? and did you wanna ride or trailer down? EDIT: nevermind, i just booked what appears to be the last 2 bedroom hemlock cabin that's nearby (but not in the block) the group of 7 cabins set aside for OR cause i guess those are all booked. unless some tragedy occurs, I booked a cabin for trmn8tr and myself. $149/night. now taking applicants for roommates. amenities include: pet friendly (for dinner) and soul searching (as in, you'll be searching for yours after it's stolen). if interested, PM me with nudes and what special powers you bring to the table (flight, invisibility, dog)
  2. here is another for MT apparently, this was taken at ugly tuna never knew you were into wrestling dudes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHl0LcJ1A0o
  3. i saw this at AFJ and thought it was some hilarious version of a CL missed connections, finding that special someone... so adorable
  4. strangely enough, STG also has a 42/52 Astars race replica suit in blue. what's with that? it's like the suit is following me around, taunting me.
  5. i'm gonna talk to trmn8tr about pre-emptively renting a cabin and if things dont work out, just pawn it off on someone else.
  6. but srsly, why do they put the oil filter THERE?
  7. Clearly, nobody tried pushing her buttons with chloroform
  9. i just wanted to say "taking dong to the hilt" in a sentence. and remember, i did say "we still love him" love you buddy xoxo
  10. have you seen some of madcat's posts? i'm pretty sure he talks about taking the dong to the hilt more than ninja chic and we still love him
  11. maybe you've never heard of busa hauty, red riding whatever, and that one chick from the "today" thread. unlike exarch and ringo who were too dumb to know any better, those girls/women just gave up and said "fuck this place, delete my account". ringo now hangs out at AFJ, and doesn't act like a total fucking idiot so he gets along ok there, and exarch cleaned up his act a bit (well, not recently). also, don't misunderstand... we're posting in here to help you... ...to help you understand that you are railing against a post whore by being a post whore, yourself. you say you're standing up to say "something". what is it you're saying? "gender inequality is bad, mmkay" "post whoring is bad lol"? i think what you're really standing up and saying is "me too! me too!" i have no idea why you would want that sort of attention, but i guess you got it now. enjoy being the source of our winter amusement, even if it is just for a few hours. let the attention hunger games begin. and may the odds be evar in your favor
  12. can you share with us some of the hang worthy comments she's made so we can amend this situation? here at OR, we take our mass ostracizing very seriously
  13. I'd do her if she was on groupon
  14. oh god, when that horse was calmly crossing the road, i thought for sure there was going to be some car going a 150mph and then an explosion of horse meat and metal
  15. if we're really being forward thinking, let's see a guide on how to gut and cook a person cause, let's be honest here... when things go really bad, that's where we'll end up and we don't want to make it taste any worse than the bitter salt left over from the tears of abandoned humanity.
  16. we changed it cause of holidays clusterfuckage, and i have to go to my niece's 1st birthday helllll yeaaahhhh santa hat
  17. update to the original post, and to see what people are thinking since we're getting a bit closer to the date. i'm not sure if there will be a bike show after party this year, but does anyone think there will be a conflict? i also think we can work in the bike show in there somewhere (assuming anyone wants to go) but throwing in an after party would take up the whole night i think. thoughts?
  18. i dont think you quite got the essence of what i was asking you, even PLEADING of you, but i suppose i got my answer all the same. that is a shame.
  19. i'm going to get serial for a minute here i honestly don't care about your crazy daddy-issues laden view of fire arms and self defense in general, misguided and clusterfucked love/hate relationship with libertarianism, and genuinely like you in person, on rides, meets, etc. but what you say about your policy of unflinchingly, and without hesitation, straight up murdering a dog at the slightest provocation is pretty frightening and really changes my view on future interactions with you when any dog (especially my pup) is present. this, coming from a guy whose home town had quite a few restaurants that had neon signs for "dog stew special". so please please tell me you're kidding, and that this, like all the other crazy shit you post for our amusement is for the lulz and to get people riled up. i'm putting myself out there, 100% admitting that I am being trolled mercilessly if you'll just tell me that I was, in fact, being trolled.
  20. Maybe I should research better. Found it in amazon for $100 lol whoops http://www.amazon.com/Sandberg-iConheli-Bluetooth-Helicopter/dp/B0088VRXP8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1354766346&sr=8-1&keywords=Iconheli
  21. A great gift idear. Follow the cl ad that I put up to know what the hell I'm talking about (aka I don't want to type a new ad): http://cleveland.craigslist.org/ele/3458588128.html OR peeps can has for 67.50 like a boss
  22. You're drunk Casper, go home
  23. Not sure I'd call $20 or $35 being nailed to a cross all emo Jesus style, but nice pics.
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