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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot

    Fostered dog

    that's a happy ending, and i know a thing or two about those. i remember when we got our pup from the cuyahoga county shelter. he had been on dick goddard's show and everything, and nobody took him and was apparently getting closed to being euthanized (the only reason we found him was because my gf at the time was volunteering at the shelter once a week, helping to walk dogs, etc). i have no idea why, many people who meet our gatsby thinks he's the best pup ever, and he's inspired more than a couple people to adopt instead of buying from a puppy mill or breeder like they had originally planned. any way, happy to hear about your new addition. going to put on normal jbot face now. gang bangs, and such.
  2. We should make it a rule to needlessly ostracize 1 person every week. You know... to keep things lively.
  3. Wrenching on bikes is a small portion of what we'll be doing in case you didn't notice. You're still welcome to come hang out with us... we promise not to touch your bike. Not sure whether you had intention of possibly joining this orgy or just wanted to post pictures of your "special" collection, but either way, come on by.
  4. Do you have an original (classic) mini?!
  5. Let's tentatively plan for the weekend of the bike show then. That sat night after the bike show will work for everyone?
  6. So tell me something... I these scenarios where there was actual damage done, and it gets shrugged off as "your word vs his bro lol" then what about all those stories where a bike gets pulled over based on the word of some old lady who thinks she saw some kid on a "cratch racket" speeding?
  7. Thanks again for taking care of thanksgiving this year, pauly
  8. everyone, feel free to freak right the fuck out right up until june 2013
  9. i'm just kidding. i like to mock the pothead failures in this thread that was also a joke. chill out maaaaaaaaaaaans
  10. if someone sees a good deal on a weber summit something (ideally, stainless natural gas), i would be most appreciative
  11. why won't you just let us smoke, maaaaaaaan? why do you hate our freedoms?
  12. Hoblick, if you'd be willing to host the cbus event, that would be cool. That will be a separate event that can be done some time after this one. Maybe you could get with madcat to arrange something. I do want to point out that we're trying to keep this in the spirit of track day/racing groups so we probably won't be looking to charge anyone for any work done during the little party. I know you have a biz to run so I want to make sure you're ok with that. We don't want to impose on you in any way. Regarding the date: The idea of doing it after the bike show is a neat idea... I just don't want to push it out too far. But it seems like some are available for the 15 and some are available the following weekend. If every one will be available around the bike show, we can just do it then since you'll be up here for the bike show anyway (and you won't have to get a hotel if you're far away). What do you think? Is it too far away or will that weekend work for everyone better or stick to one of the two original dates? Personally, I'd lean towards dec 15 just cause I think the 22nd is gonna mess everyone up due to holiday, they just don't know it yet. But I also want to pick the date that everyone can make it to.
  13. everytime i go somewhere for a vacation, the weather gets semi-awesome. so unfair. have fun, and you're welcome.
  14. i really enjoy the rest of that site. i wasn't sure it was possible, but that site is really like the web version of those terrible tabloids with bat boy and other such wonders of the world.
  15. what would they call the movie? the squidtalian job?
  16. i thought this one was amusing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE0w8aJCM24
  17. i updated the OP with tentative dates/locations/people list
  18. so does anyone have any alternate location suggestions or any other date suggestions? otherwise, i'm just going to arbitrarily pick a date (and say it's going to be at my place which isn't exactly central) for now otherwise. please keep in mind that we can change location/date to whatever, i'm just picking something for the sake of moving this along. everyone should feel free to suggest improvements/better locations/better dates
  19. i think what republicans need is a half tiger woods, half shelter dog, half cesar milan candidate straight out of harvard. that'll git er done.
  20. wait, are we supposed to change plugs?
  21. does it do it only when it's cold, been sitting around, at operating temp, only on thursdays, etc? also what about the epa stuff? is that taken off?
  22. jigga would never betray us
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