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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i was actually telling the others that i didn't think you yelled at your kid, but in fact, seemed to be proud of him for reacting the way he did. and with that type of heart breaking rendition of "Any Way You Want It", furious fapping, and all that water, you'd want to put it on a more... "niche" type of site.
  2. i'm assuming scruit posted this with some (if only small) measure of pride that his son performed admirably, and for showing some signs that is son may excel in the field of counter surveillance, and at the very least, ducking poop cams in seedy english bathrooms. i'm sure he didn't admonish his son too harshly for not telling him about the gun. all in all, i saw this as a "proud dad" post. it should also be known that any time there is an opportunity to post about secretly filming people pooping, i will do so. i think it's a little... "eccentric" that he films many of the things he drives, owns, lives in, but he clearly has motivation for keeping a high level of security... if it's for his son/family's safety, then so be it. it's not like he's filming me masturbate in the shower while singing Journey and crying uncontrollably. that was an invitation.
  3. also check: slickdeals, fatwallet, techbargains, and so on an so forth.
  4. jbot

    What an idiot...

    i enjoyed some of the comments: They say that driving a Porsche is like becoming one with the road. The 911 holds the pavement well. "sorry I am late for work, I was stuck in traffic"
  5. There can only be one! I'll probably have to behead you now. Sry.
  6. You need to reread your creeper handbook, scruit. Never let the camera be detected. All it takes is one little peek into the toilet to see just how big that chocoloate bar was to get your little internet biz shut down.
  7. just cause i'm a bit gangsta doesn't mean i'm not allowed to own a gun. gawd.
  8. Hi So, did it bleed? You know... Down THERE?
  9. only bishes use razrs. real men use startacs. wut wut
  10. what sort of obvious douchebag would believe that howard the duck is only $5, at target of all places? your info source is a fucking quack, and you should die in a fucking fire. do you believe everything you read? just cause you are a big shot on this site doesn't mean you get to post whatever conspiracy bull shit you want. quack.
  11. heyyyy now... i like to think i'm capable of subtleties. anyway, don't let my obvious douchebaggery dissuade you. continue your jihad on internet speculation and misinformation. you will surely win this war, friend. you do the internets a valuable service by spending your waking hours tsk-tsk-tsking at rampant conspiracy theories. even someone as brilliant and totally not-captain-obvious as you, must be able to see how fruitful your efforts are. now, can you tell us a bit about how we really DID go to the moon? pleeeaaase?
  12. i should stop breaking boots, but can you pm me a price? 44077. thanks
  13. looks like they added an extra "1" in there. i bet the korean site's number are correct, though. checked. it is. surprise, fucking surprise.
  14. hmmm this is against my better judgment but can you suggest one in a PM (if there is more than one good choice) for the P22 along with price? thanks
  15. i was hoping for more full frontal male nudity, but had to make do with the unfortunately pink and perky nipples of Count Awesome.
  16. Mattm is like nectar from the winter gods, to begin a holy war on online information terrorists, like casper. ...also mostly to bring on the mad giggles to keep us occupied.
  17. sounds ok to me. that is when i'll actually have time to play. hopefully.
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