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Everything posted by jbot

  1. congrats! go get a G5 and fly us places.
  2. I sold the buell so I could full motard. My KTM can go 186mph easily... well, my civilian Starlane GPS lap timer says 112, but my speedo is dead accurate and it said 186. Just look at it, it says 186 right now, as I sit here at my computer, typing this. Anyways, I dust 2008 CBR1KRR's all fucking day cause this article I read about a CBR250R (it's the same fucking thing, or I think the 1KRR's are based off of them... ah, hell, it's all CBR, am i right?!!1!1!) said they only go 93mph. especially when black dudes named tod with asian fro's and small asian hands try to be frontin'.
  3. so far, we have: HP2 is the same bike, no wait, the source of, no wait, completely different bike from the bike being discussed Old LBTS gsxr 750 handling being compared favorably to a S1000RR with top notch suspension components and innovative traction control Old LBTS squid bike 750 top speed being compared favorably to a S1000RR Possible challenge at all aspects of life: 98 gsxr 750 takes all comers Will own a S1000RR, just not this year, brah any more gems for us?
  4. so if we're driving a tow truck, can we tow their tow truck from their lot and make them pay to get it back? sounds like a job for xzibit
  5. so much hurtfulness for someone who has never met me. i'm such a delight in person, it's really mind boggling. and that's just my hair, brah. just the hair! the rest of me is pretty detestable, though. i have shifty eyes, i'm told.
  6. are you gonna be doing the race school, or just being proactive by doing all the prep for later, now? if you're doing the race school, awesome! funny you posted this, I was just about to post up that we're about 3 weeks out from the cut off date and if there were any people lurking that had questions, feel free to post up. we're keeping the epic trolling to a minimum for this thread.
  7. I'm currently in the market for racing gloves (love my held phantoms, and I'll be posting up a review of it later in this thread, but I'm looking for a new pair) and I've seen threads like this in other boards for race plastics, brakes pads, etc. As a self-proclaimed gear junkie, I thought one of these for every major piece of riding gear would be handy and maybe even helpful. If it's been done already, please feel free to merge or delete this thread. I plan to post up my reviews for other gear as well. This thread is for racing gloves (ie, well designed, well engineered gauntlet style gloves suitable for track use), so let's combine our trolling might and try to keep it on topic. I also want to note I am not affiliated to or sponsored by any of these companies, nor do I have anything to gain from these other than just getting to see peoples' impressions of various gloves without having to "test" them personally. If I may make a request to follow up posters, I'd like to hear your thoughts on Knox Handroids, Alpinstars GP Tech, and Heroic SPR Pro's. I've used (and abused and crash tested) the following gloves: Teknic Speedstar gloves As far as "serious" gloves go, I would consider these glove to be a good budget option (when they're on clearance). They're comfortable, though they got to be pretty tough on the hands after a long ride (say, 400+ miles on an aprilia RSVR) if they aren't fitted well. For me, they were a bit long in the fingers, but then, so are ALL gloves on my hobbit like asian hands. great for 5 dollar "make you look like footlong" hand jobs, not so much for racing glove fitting. I crashed them once on the street, and while my hands came out completely unscathed, the leather on the palm had a tear where the padding for the bottom of the palm was, which i dont think is unreasonable since that was designed as a likely impact area. However, I wouldn't trust them to last through a very severe crash (as far as high speeds and long distance sliding on asphalt goes)... but the fact that I suffered absolutely no injury to my hands in a fairly gnarly crash makes them good gloves in my book. IF they're on clearance, which, they often are. They were comfortable due to extensive use of kangaroo leather on the palms and other areas. There wasn't any "hard" armor on the outside of the gloves like you normally see, but more than adequate padding (some were removable) in all the critical areas (palm, wrist, finger joints, knuckles and back of the hand for bitch slaps, etc) Next up: Held Phantoms I got these 2 years ago when I was getting ready for my first track day ever (Mid ohio, april, 70's and sunny... it was fantastic) and the first thing i thought was that, while they SEEMED a bit bulky, the parts that actually touched the bars and levers provided plenty of feedback. and the rest of the glove is built like a friggin tank. Great stitiching, great padding, excellent retention, everything was great. They had survived multiple crashes without so much as a tear or split seam, until my 3rd one when I finally saw some stitching come loose here and there but FAR from destroyed. I sent them to Barnacle bills as well as my leathers to get patched, and they came back looking ready to go. The gloves don't break in all that much, so consult the size chart closely. However, the kangaroo palms makes it nice and comfy and very good for feedback, while maintain high strength and durability against severe abrasions due to the redundant stitching, the stingray hide in areas prone to impact, and padding sandwiched between thick leather where you need it. Both gloves were great... only difference being that 1 cost several times more than the other but also lasted multiple, more severe crashes with confidence inspiring durability. The important thing is that my hands didn't even know they were in crashes, and they lived to give out handies for tire money another day.
  8. definitely a cool bunch of guys to ride with.
  9. all i see is bukkake, and i'm ok with that.
  10. supposedly, it's part of the traffic monitoring system. i don't know if you've seen those big amber bulb signs that tells you how many minutes to get to downtown or 71, or etc... but the radars monitors how fast traffic is moving along the roads.
  11. jbot

    Howdy Ho!

    welcome! there are a bunch of us that do lots o' track days at nelson with motoseries (previously called fasttrax) so if you have any questions, just drop us a PM or post up in one of the threads in the track days section of the site.
  12. On the other hand, the sale of my generator went great. Only a couple of low ballers, but went smooth
  13. refer to his previous posts and the ones i bolded. he takes the time out of his day to essentially say that all open carriers are attention whores who want to sue cities, does nothing to back it up or "prove the point" other than saying it's coming "from a common sense/tactical perspective". only that he has no time to read actual research to quantify his beliefs and back up his points. i have nothing against anyone having opinions. If you're refuting a point of contention, more substance is needed. why would i call you names when you already have such a good one, uncle pink? Also, i was in that thread. it's not exactly canon material. playing devil's advocate is sad when you're being half hearted about it.
  14. Somebody ban this spamming duche! (duche, being an inside joke)
  15. when you declare an argument moot by calling it "apples to oranges", the reasonable thing to do is to quantify the reasons for calling it "apples to oranges". Unless you can't. the rest of your points hinge on my previous point being a false equivalence. Particularly about the driver. I'm sure if you gave it some thought, you'll figure out why you're stuck. that's fantastic. do you often justify your ignorance with laziness and possibly a lack of ability to read critically?
  16. you make a good point but and the thing is... when, in the history of online commerce, has it ever been the practice to send the item FIRST, not payment?
  17. jbot

    stuff for sale

    generator sold, valentine one detector up for sale
  18. you are really not thinking this through. seriously... give it a shot. If we accept your line of reasoning on matters of presumed innocence and the basic tenets of trusting your citizens, and since you like simple, here are some examples: open carry is legal. man was open carrying. assume he must be a violent felon that is about to shoot up the place, therefore arrest, detain, threaten that man with death, then let him go after 45minutes since it took that long to check necessary ID and background because that is how to presume innocence. driving is legal man was driving assume he must be a violent felon that is about to run over children, therefore arrest, detain, threaten that man with death, then let him go after 45minutes since it took that long to check necessary ID and background because that is how to presume innocence. sitting at a park is legal man was sitting at a park assume he must be a child raping sex offender, therefore arrest, detain, threaten that man with death, then let him go after 45minutes since it took that long to check necessary ID and background because that is how to presume innocence.
  19. looks like my friend is a bit too busy to take on additional clients at the moment. sorry, and good luck!
  20. i think you should take a moment to think about the implications of the highlighted phrase, reflect on the 2nd amendment and the constitution, maybe recite some poetry regarding liberty, and get back to us on that.
  21. that was quite the zinger have to spread it around a bit to rep moar though
  22. and when you're done knitting and sewing, perhaps contact a lawyer and sue those fucks
  23. so i shouldn't recommend Seymore and Buhts ESQ LLC? just kidding, I'm asking my friend if he is taking any additional clients right now. Will let you know if he has any time.
  24. when i was drilling mine, i ghetto rigged up some holding fixture that worked out well on my little high speed drill press. Even if you're not using a high speed drill press (and honestly, you could probably even rig up a dremel to pretend to be one), as has been said before, getting a good solid hold on the nut/bolt is the most important thing. Do not peck drill... just feed her in steadily and smoothly (unless it's binding up and/or too much chips being built up inside... not likely though). If you've never drilled steel before, it'll take a bit to get the feel for what feed rate is too fast and too slow. Once you get the hole started, turn up the RPM's as high as it will go, and just feed it in nice and steady (3-4K rpms works well, but less is fine). The feeling is like stabbing a hot knife into a block of ice... it'll just kinda sink in with little pressure. Cobalt (not the brand, the material) drills worked the best for me. HSS burnt up too quickly.
  25. jbot

    I hate computers

    women probably don't do anything wrong... it's just the computers' way of telling them that the laundry/dishes/vacuum/husband needs doing.
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