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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i'm sure you've done a simple google search, but for godssake, schemes never go beyond wasted time, ass ache and net loss. http://www.skepdic.com/mlm.html
  2. way to kill a perfectly good flame thread. GAWD lol
  3. you should stick to stories of girls swallowing your junk and then giving it all back with interest. with chunks of interest.
  4. i fixed it, so now it looks like you love dudes. just trollin in my own thread, carry on.
  5. orly. i'll edit the other one so i don't mislead people.
  6. This came up in the other thread: there is no membership fee for motoseries. if you want to race with them, and you already have a license with WERA or what have you, I believe they will accept it as well.
  7. there is no fee for motoseries. I probably should've put that in there somewhere. I'll post that on the other thread too. And motoseries will accept other orgs race license, but I think they charge like an extra $25 or so per race if you don't get your license through them.
  8. i'll correct the other person if i am: 1. absolutely certain i'm right 2. if i give a shit about the subject 3. if i give a shit about the person who is misinformed 4. it will make a positive difference to that person (save them from making a bad financial decision, etc) otherwise, fuck it. they can go on thinking their stratus has a transmission straight out of nascar cause it has a "+" and "-" notch where you can shift up and down with the automatic, and that cause it's the model with the black wheels, the engine is rocket born of the crotch of thor.
  9. no doubt. i'm just hoping for the best. i remain optimistic, but who knows. but since this is the may thread, i'm guessing weather will be pretty decent.
  10. snap. how many happy endings can we fit in a 20 minute session? if you guys have any more questions about track day prep, where to pit, etc. just post up. I posted this in the other thread too: If those you who are showing up don't know anyone at the track, or are coming alone, or want some place to hang out, just post up. between us, I'm sure we'll take up a decent chunk of the pit area. blue23023954539623459063 and I usually hang out along the pit wall/rail near the beginning of the front straight. For first timers, i know that even with someone helping you out, it's sort of nerve wracking. but it's pretty painless overall, and just awesome to be out on track.
  11. good question. I'm not sure what group I'll be riding in. I'll figure it out soon enough. If those you who are showing up don't know anyone at the track, or are coming alone, or want some place to hang out, just post up. between us, I'm sure we'll take up a decent chunk of the pit area. blue23023954539623459063 and I usually hang out along the pit wall/rail near the beginning of the front straight.
  12. until you can behead a midget with a deadly frisbee from 2 miles away, ninja is OUR word
  13. i'm sorry to hear about your dog. just reading some of these posts is almost too much. I would rather off myself instead of having to make the decision to put down my Gatsby. But, as always, you will know in your heart what is best for your pup in the end. Please know our little biker community is with you when you say that last good bye.
  14. that smiley at the end of his post means he's just being a dick hahaha
  15. ballers (ie, confirmed in) jbot blue025635235546 apch8r mykill 2wheeler isaac's papa grapesmuggler27 pending: standout - 90% ohdaho - csian hutch - will wait til it's closer rslocum trmn8tr - "should" be in. what a noob. aetsch - might just watch
  16. new (street) tires are on. Bike is ready to terrorize the local wild life.
  17. so were the IT nerds able to extract the passwords from the salted hash browns?
  18. the website should be working cause i was able to log into my account and sign up for races if i knew which i was doing (but i don't lol). http://www.motoseries.com/checkout/ the above link "should" be the way to get signed up.
  19. awesome. i would copy and paste and update the name list, but i am a lazy bastard. i'll do it later if no one else does it.
  20. oh shit in my defense, i.... ahh, fuck it. lol fixed
  21. starting a list to keep track of who is in and who is maybe in. feel free to copy + paste then, add, delete, modify your status, bitch out, etc: ballers (ie, confirmed in) jbot blue025635235546 apch8r mykill madcat 2wheeler JCMathis pending: hutch - pretty much counted in ducati guy - probably in, wants to go fast
  22. starting a list to keep track of who is in and who is maybe in. feel free to copy + paste then, add, delete, modify your status, bitch out, etc: ballers (ie, confirmed in) jbot blue025635235546 apch8r mykill madcat 2wheeler isaac's papa pending: standout - 90% ohdaho - csian hutch - will wait til it's closer
  23. us poor bastards with the pre 07 (i think?) models didn't get the HESD also, i heard they are utter crap.
  24. i have a good feeling about weather this year. i think it will be a good one. also, i'm hoping cause i'm already signed up lolololololol
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