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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i couldn't comment on the owners or the run off (though i have heard things about both, and seen the horrors of the ruts while walking around), but from what i do know of the place, as everyone on both "sides" has been saying: the layout is fun, and the motoseries people are cool. very friendly place to get a taste of club racing, and everyone is willing to help.
  2. not required, though very highly recommended to change over since it is usually easy enough... i did manage to fuck it up a few times, and gave my driveway a couple money shots of water wetter and distilled water while trying to get the air out of the system. the neighbors were very impressed. anyway, i shouldn't be one to talk, i'm all about "min requirements".
  3. that's why you get a ratty POS bike that is fluid tight and solid, but LBTS so you don't cry when you crash it.
  4. what a dick... ...she's not chinese, noob! but yes, she could make you a lovely pair of gloves.
  5. i hear the chinese make a fabulous copy of the a-star race gloves for cheeeeeep! lol
  6. hey, who you calling "little people"? we prefer "hobbits".
  7. well that and you can't really race without one, and if you're planning on racing more than 10 days, you ought to get one. besides, try using a set of tires for a season and selling them for 75% of their value. actually, if you buy the transponder used, you'll probably get just about all you pay for it when you go to sell it... unless you break it or don't keep the battery maintained.
  8. by "punching you in the taco" i meant "fisting any nearby cavity". it is a distinctly non-ninja skill... it's more like a ben spies technique, cause i'll go fucking elbowz deep if you be frontin' wut wut jk, but seriously, it is very painless to get on the track, and more than likely, lots of us will be there to help you.
  9. turtling ronnie, i swear to god, if i hear you blubber on about how slow you are on the street and all your oh shit moments, and yet refuse to do a track day that requires minimal prep and relatively small cost (for what is gained, anyway), i'm going to punch you in the taco next time i see you. just do it, i promise you'll be so glad you did. minus the anti-freeze flush (which, i don't believe is required anyway, but HIGHLY recommended), the taping/mirror and plate removal will take 5 minutes. i dunno what size suit you wear, but i'm sure someone will lend you one, if only to see your turtle shaped ass get into it. that is ALL you have to do. you can catch a ride to the track with one of us. didn't you buy a trailer for your mowing equipment not too long ago?
  10. those bastards, i sent that out monday. they said you'd get it in 1-2 days tops since it's within the state.
  11. wait, i thought it was called "love potion"?
  12. you gotta open your mind, maaaaaaaaaan i'm thinking of a word. it starts with a "b" and ends with "ukkake" this is the part where i laugh like an insane man
  13. r1crusher just mad cause i have his zip ties that are in a fancy case.
  14. i'm still thinking ohio riders track day would be a fine place to run this 1000rrrrrrider's "spring" ride june is still "spring"ish
  15. beaver and motoseries go hand in hand like pistachio butter and watermelon jelly
  16. as with any org, you'll get good ones and bad ones. blue0363634654573254 (craig) and apch8rerade (nick) both ride a lot with motoseries, and they'll be at just about all events, and they'll help you out lots (they help me out all the time). I happen to know they're both fantastic riders and are very knowledgeable. Wayne is a great instructor.
  17. jbot

    17 hmr

    double hurtfulness
  18. i'll always remember our special moment at 6am when I said, tenderly, "dude... come to bed" he had come into the room (I left it unlocked, wink) sometime between the hours of 3AM and 6AM, and the poor sap was trying to get comfy on the floor. I told him something like "the bed is all yours". i found that he had left a little of himself here and there throughout the room once i finally woke up. i touched it, sniffed it, and decided to mail it back to him. not sure how i got it all to fit. it was a wonderful sunday.
  19. i always get what i want. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA except pistachio butter. why the hell can't i find pistachio butter anywhere?
  20. i dunno, when i found out about boobs, i was pretty siked.
  21. jbot

    17 hmr

    lol that is baller. i can't shoot worth a damn.
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