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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i get along great with all races. except the whites... they just like starbucks, apple, and eminem too much. and sometimes, i just don't know how i feel about those blacks. all those poor chickens that are doomed to the frying pan. and what about those latinos? man, i really don't get them most of the time... i mean, shave that mustache, sanchez! shit's dirty. worst of all, those asians... what do i have to do get a happy ending around here? and if you would open your eyes long enough, you could see where the fuck you're driving. and stay away from my puppy. i sure do love interracial
  2. tomass, maybe when i am not going to endless weddings, i will come play with you one weekend. can i bring my wanna-be dragunov (it's a romak or PSL or whatever you want to call the romanian POS AK with a long barrel and scope) so i can miss large target right in front of me? i havent even shot the fucker yet.
  3. i was just about to crash the image server with interracial DVD covers but, now i see what you did there. mmmmmmmmmmm sumo... i need one bad.
  4. didn't ride into work again. it was awesome
  5. there may be a plan to go to grattan. i'll keep you informed.
  6. my bike's in columbus, my duc's sitting in the house, and my 2 other bikes are not in street legal condition (track whores). wanna fight about it?
  7. oh crap, i gave out too much rep again in the past 24 hours. i won't forget. r kellybot never forgets.
  8. i will shower you with rep, like a delightful warm golden shower of love. mostly the warm and golden shower part. just don't look me in the eyes, baby
  9. i wanted to rep rc51 john for the picture fail in that now closed thread, but i have to spread it around like AIDS first. i better get busy. good thing i'm out of condoms.
  10. jbot


    now, if UP sits on his non OSHA condemned hand til it goes numb and gives someone else a hand job, is it called "the familiar"? well, i guess for him, it'd be the "mah ninja!" except with the black version.
  11. will someone please post the thread to reference so we can get background on this drama llama?
  12. well, technically, it only needed a oil tank, and since i wouldnt do it, pauly took it and didn't do it for a long time (cause he got really busy) and finally he wanted it out of his garage so he told me to order the tank from ebay and it was magically done.

    then i ran it at Beave Run with 15psi front and back (forgot to check pressure til a weekend after i ran it at beave run lol) and then ran it at nelson ledges. so it's working again. hurrah

  13. I bought some swords, I will kill any clays you miss with my mad ninjer skillz
  14. If you don't post pics of your fancy european puppies, these puppies get to participate in an all american gangbang with my boot and the nearest curb.
  15. george w bush, glenn beck, and justin hates black people and consensual sex with a partner who is of age.
  16. i'm not against sharing, brah haha
  17. well, to my credit, i only allegedly threaten to curb stomp them. also, i never did say why i lurrrrve them ...heh heh
  18. i would've voted 3 times then. i just luuuuuurrrrve puppies
  19. many puppies will have to die for me to get my gold stars back... many puppies indeed.
  20. while pedobear catches all the flak, pedopanda puts the chillins' in his sack also, i'll always have my bastion of hope:
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