Hai gaiz, I'm actually not so sure if I'm going to be there just yet, but there is a open practice day (almost identical to midohio's max time twilight LED sessions) on friday, sept 10th from 5pm to 8ish. Open sessions, with the occasional flag in for a voluntary break. ...sometimes, i think they forget. $60 Sat is the normal track day. if I go, i'll run intermediate to harass some friends, and then advanced after lunch. $120 (only $60 if you race the following day) Sunday is the race. Not sure if I'm racing quite yet either. Mostly, pending weather. (racing starts at $80 i think?) Nelsons is a beat up whore of a track. It's bumpy, hairy in places, and most of all, it's beat to shit. But it's still fun and it's cheap. Post up if you're going.