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Everything posted by jbot

  1. you want to fuck me? bwahahahahahahaaha
  2. well, that's what i get for making assumptions. i wish i was a hot asian girl. then i'd have maaaddd rep cause i'd have a sideways pussy but instead, i'm just a gross average asian boy with a sideways pussy wah waaahhhh
  3. so rep power is not based on how many rep points you have? what is this, sparta?
  4. can't you just count the reps based on what it shows on their stars/bars/penii? check that thread where they explain how to count the bars and stars, and you too can learn to count.
  5. you know we have to pay interest on that $11,000,000,000,000 to the people that own the debt. you realize that the payments we make on only SOME of the interest we owe (that's right, we almost never have enough to cover all of JUST the interest) is one of the largest expenditures of the money the fed gov spends with our tax dollars. why don't we care? is it because we are arrogant, and frankly, ignorant of the magnitude of this problem? surely not.
  6. hope you feel better.
  7. paint a giant boob on each side, and call it "Team Fastest Breastesses"
  8. he has a ferrari? did you tell him sponsorship only costs as much as having the windows of your ferrari tinted at the dealership? i know, i'm a sad, jealous hater.
  9. my advice is: take the dual sport! they're the lightest, easiest to ride bikes there. i jokingly asked the MSF instructors I had which one was the best, and they recommended the yamahahahaha dual sport they had.
  10. jbot

    District 9

    they wanted to take our jobs
  11. no touching, unless it's just the tips. like this: ======><============= (mine's the one on the right, obviously) also, i would never challenge anyone at riding! i'm not any good at it. though pauly, he'll put his engorged taint in your ass and ride it around like a vespa. justin doesn't need to challenge anyone cause everyone knows the only thing faster than him on his busa is chuck norris eating 24 dollars worth of $2 steaks. if you want a bike for the track, buy a 600rr. i lowsided mine twice, once at about 60-70mph at grattan and at about 80-90mph at midohio and also almost killed rusty with it right afterwards, and the only thing i had to fix was a bent front brake lever. lulz
  12. jbot


    ducrx touched my penis
  13. as far as I know, Blue and I are still going.
  14. can't you just call them and explain what happened and ask them to look? rentacops would probably be thrilled to have something to do that involves maybe calling the police
  15. jbot

    My first (pet) dog

    i'm going back to my coprophilic roots, son
  16. jbot

    My first (pet) dog

    we put a blanket down to see how Gatsby does with it (yup, we named him Gatsby). I got to take him for a walk around my neighborhood. It was the first time i got to handle a steamy pile of poop through a plastic bag. Ahh, the satisfaction of having a dog. I can play with poop and no one looks at me funny.
  17. jbot

    My first (pet) dog

    i could also name him "gogi" but.... well, nevermind
  18. i'm in mentor, which is like 5 min away from painesville, but i know jack shit about cruisers. when you find out what time you're going, let me know. maybe i'll try and meet up with you guys if i have the time.
  19. jbot

    My first (pet) dog

    i was going to send my dog to this school:
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