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Everything posted by jbot

  1. some of you aren't getting it... let me help you understand: ONE: conservatives don't think of faux news as a good source for news... ESPECIALLY not for politics. reading fox news for good unbiased political news is like checking the bikestylez forum for info about track days. You're barking up the wrong tree Obama fans. TWO: the bush and cheney administration was a big fucking failure and nobody likes them, ESPECIALLY not conservatives. Equating the bush/cheney admin to conservative politics just tells us what we've feared all along: people can't even recognize what it means to be conservative anymore. again, you're barking up the wrong tree... if you want to offend some people with crap news about cheney, you're not getting the job done here. IP, myself and a few others can't agree more. we just haven't see this crap cause we don't try to sift through shit for something edible. Not sure why you are, but hey, thanks anyway!
  2. is the case actual carbon fiber? If so would you be willing to sell the case separate?
  3. i know i've been saving my hollowed out cow carcass for a good reason. i'm totally gonna win that photo contest
  4. no, he would be my personal... actually, i dunno what the fuck that guy is. he's like a cross between: and and
  5. i was hopeful when i saw sarah palin, and minus her being like the gov of one of the most insignificant states ever, i thought some of her stances we hopeful... then i heard her talk. and i had a sad. now, she's spiraling into depraved fail, and i can only laff and laff
  6. jbot

    Sweet Name

    or Hugh Jazz Cleveland Steamer
  7. wait what? really? i typed in "Squid" on the english to hindi translator! well, it's close enough i guess
  8. विद्रूप am i right, or am i right?
  9. monterey is basically my dream place. awesome roads, awesome scenery, awesome weather.
  10. jbot

    More HD BS

    BWAAHAHAHA mmm... necrophilia.
  11. if he really is a "cool" guy like those who know him says, I'm for keeping the guy on the force. We don't need to lose anymore cops that are on our side. That said, we don't need any cops that are hired strictly to give out tickets either, but I'm sure most cops have done more than just give out traffic tickets in their careers. At least, I'm hoping.
  12. jbot

    Front Stand

    i do but it's on the aprilia right at the moment. if i can get work finished on the aprilia soon, you are free to use it so if you can't locate one in the next few days and i'm finished by then, you're welcome to it
  13. that rolex they list in there is like bottom basement shit that only rats would wear... lol no really, that is almost the cheapest men's rolex you can get.
  14. i had an ex500 as my first bike, and i was very glad i went to a 600cc i-4 (cbr600 f4i) instead of a 750 or 1000. it has plenty of power, very smooth, and much more manageable on corner exits. i'm sure i don't compare to you, the Rossi of Ravenna (at least, that's what they call you around those parts I hear), but i think you may feel the same way. but then again, i don't know you at all, so take it for what it's worth: a few words of advice from just some random guy on the internets.
  15. i don't think they really meant you should go out and buy those exact things. it's fashion advice for guys who don't have women to tell them not to wear their favorite flannel shirt and jean shorts to the annual performance review. and obviously, if the lifestyle they portray in that section doesn't match your life, then don't follow the advice. you'll look like a classic douche showing up with a $2500 suit to your construction job.
  16. that racist asian kid has feelings too! they're racist feelings, but still feelings nonetheless. beaver race is the october one, right? maybe i'll be cool enough by then. are the teams limited to 2 people per?
  17. sorry Master TP, i won't be able to make it to this one. i've been neglecting the woman folk and she will curb stomp my balls if i leave her on friday. have fun on the ride!
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