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Everything posted by jbot

  1. sambusa will just rear naked choke you the moment you wave your little wand at him. so i'd suggest asking one of your "many" girl-friends for an honest opinion as to why you have a hard time finding a date. they'll be nice, and you might even get lucky and find one that wanted to get you out of the friendzone. report back.
  2. so fucking baller
  3. so awesome, but it looks to be chopped... but so full of awesome
  4. yes, it does seem that 255 is the new hot little slut in town.
  5. Howdy all, I and a few others will be at Nelson's Ledges this saturday (July 18th). If you are also going to be there, post up so we can get together and make fun of people who are better at riding than us. This will make us feel better about being shitty. Anyways, I will be riding in the intermediate group, and probably receiving instructions for the first half of the day (I guess it is optional... I've never been on the track, so I'll take the time to learn it first). If you are baller on this track, feel free to come by and show me a thing or two cause I am far from baller on any track. You can look for that asian kid with white helmet and grey/white leathers. I'll be there on either my rsvr or 600rr but there will also be a few others on a R6 and a ballin ninja 650, and a kawi samurai something or other who will be mini-endurance racing that day. Join the fun! and from what I hear, a whole shit load of bumps.
  6. the pricing is pretty competitive compared to buying mobil 1 synthetic oil (car or bike) or other comparable brand. actually, it's cheaper if you can get preferred or dealer pricing.
  7. gankutsuou is the asian worded title that precedes "The Count of Monte Cristo". I just wanted to sike you suckas out! lol I've watched the whole series a couple times already so I'll decide if I want it or not. Is it the whole series with the fancy boxes and etc?
  8. i'm sure it would have to be a bit higher than cost since then there would be no point in doing it. if they could get it to the "preferred" member price (I think there is a 5~10% difference between preferred and dealer price), that would be great. I'm sick of buying a 6 month membership just to buy a couple years worth of oil and filters and have to do it all over again a couple years later. otherwise, we could just buy a dealer membership thing if enough people want to get in on a buy. it'd essentially be a perpetual group buy, but people would have to chip in to cover the dealer fee and send in the money on time. not sure how often you have to renew the dealership thing, but OR or one of us could easily become a dealer and charge just enough to cover cost + dealer fees. or just buy a preferred membership and buy a shit load and have someone pick the stuff up.
  9. you mean how he makes noises or he has the pull to go with the noises?
  10. lol, not sure what mileage will be like. it sounds really good though... not the V Twin rumble I'm used to, but the V4 is not shabby sounding by any means. when you roll on the throttle, it builds up with this peculiar raspy and mechanical thrumming into a sort of "BRRRRAAAAAAAPPPP VRRRROOOMMM" sort of thingiemabob and the best part? it has the pull to go with the noise.
  11. i was going to write a book about my observations of ohio drivers that go up and down 71 from cleveland to columbus (i used to make the trek every weekend) and I decided i'd rather snicker and laugh privately rather than write a 15000 page book about a bunch of fucks with 2 ton missiles.
  12. i'll tell you how it was! it'll be just like you were there. here goes: it was all like, VRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOMMM, and my arms were all like, "OMFGLOLBBQ i'm going to fall off if you keep twisting that throttle thingie!" and I was all like, "LOL fall off then cause this is baller!" and then we had to stop, so I pressed the brake levers and my eyes were like, "I ain't gonna fall out, but these are decent brakes" and I was like "yeah, let's see if I can do a stoppie" and i smacked myself in the back of the head. then there were some wide WIDE sweepers along 2W and the bars were all like, "Wheeee look at me, I make the bike go floppy flop" and I was like, "counter steer biatch! and it did.
  13. you would have to figure out a way to prove that the car is mechanically functional before someone hands you a substantial amount of money. for instance, i might be on the search for a 911S or 911 turbo or an M6. yeah, 20K for any of those sounds good, but worthless to me if it has a bent frame or blown turbo or half that 10 cylinder V10 is gone. so i guess what i'm wondering is, do you have a way to test drive these cars before YOU plunk down the money for it (cause nobody else is going to be willing to) to make sure they all function well? or are you willing to take the risk of buying it, finding out that it is real real broke-like and be stuck with holding onto a $20K paper weight? you'll have to excuse me, cause i don't know how these auto auctions work, but from what i understand, they don't let you do anything with these cars... you just have to buy it based on what you can see at the auction.
  14. I shit you not, i came very very close to get vanity plates that said "KJ ILL"
  15. no, every supposed republican you know can't get enough of fox news. you apparently don't know any conservatives who actually knows what being conservative means. really, there is a difference. they typically teach these things in high school history and government courses, but i went to public school, so i might've learned wrong. yes, you are misinformed. that vast 49% you know of are "republicans". the 51% it seems you are a part of are "democrats". But within these 2 parties, there are also segments that lean conservative or liberal or moderate. the republican party has typically leaned conservative, but as the years have gone by, their version of conservative has strayed far FAR from what conservative used to mean. Conservative used to mean holding the constitution as the set of laws that should not be violated and that government should govern as little as required by the constitution. Now, they've become a hollow disgrace of what conservative is supposed to be to the point where fine people, like yourself, believe a conservative is someone who thinks NASCAR is the bestest evar, and that the president is right no matter what and if you don't think like they do, according to them, "you're not patriotic and you can GIT OUT A MAH CUNTRY!"
  16. Yup, I don't think it has anything to do with the story either. as i said previously, it was a PSA for the benefit of all to let them know, fox news does not represent a conservative view point. it represents a viewpoint that is inflammatory in nature to get more ratings. Lame, as i said. Chick on 2, see, you learned something today! This is exactly why I made separate statements. point 1 discussed fox news being a POS. point 2 discussed bush/cheney being a POS. There is no point of contention here, other than clearing up the misunderstanding that, though you might believe we were trying to suppress or hide this story by pretending it doesn't exist as if we want to protect bush/cheney's reputation or something... that is simply not the case. really, that's where the major point of contention is, and if we can agree on that, there is nothing to argue about. eh, i have no idea whether you meant "no, I'm not surprised" cause of the meet and greet... but what was more obvious was your point 1. Things haven't been going "our" way for a LONG time. Otherwise, this just goes back to the above response. I wish I could've made it down to the meet and greet, but I was happily stuck at home, having a chance to relax for once. I did wish I could've done a long ride on sunday, but I had to settle for demo riding a Vmax and a warrior. mmm... vmax... That's fine. if you say it wasn't an attack against conservatives, then it wasn't. Simple. I've no comment on your last sentence. lol
  17. no prob bob. it was more of a PSA more than anything. i wasn't arguing that point... of course it's news. the little bit of time i have to listen to NPR during the drive home, that's all they talk about other than announcing Michael Jackson something or other. unless you're directing this at IP, this is something you made up from nowhere. i said Fox news is a pile of crap and is not representative of conservatives, not that this is not news or newsworthy. same thing as above. no one here is arguing it's newsworthiness or that it is in fact, on the news. also, you say that it is just "now" that fox news sucks? the only people who ever believed fox news to be a valid news source was a bunch of toothless jerry springer contestants. i'm going to try to get this back on point, rather than whether this is "news worthy" or is "news" cause that was NEVER in contention. the only part of your link that i criticized was the fact that you direct it to a fox link, as if those of us who are "anti-obama" feverishly read fox to get us hard at night. it's on NPR, it's on every news source, etc etc. the main point i'm arguing against is this: this sounds as if we were not posting on purpose, as if we're actually trying to hide it or downplay that it's happening. like we get together every night during our tin foil hatted constitution sniffing circle jerk and tell each other how we're not going to talk about cheney getting pwned cause then people would know how much bush/cheney sucked... don't you get it? WE think bush/cheney sucks more than any of those who approve of obama does! you know why? cause the previous admin blatantly disregarded and trashed the constitution before obama was even a blip on the political radar. admittedly, not on such a grand scale of what he's managed so far, but they were worse in some ways because they were promised to represent the ideals of conservative governance (and republicans... they can't go hand in hand anymore sadly) but obviously didn't. at least obama openly states his intentions to disgrace the constitution before going about the job. so to wrap it all up in a tidy hairy box: bush/cheney sucks, we all know and agree. fox news is crap, as you well know. don't assume that cause we think obama is liberal like whoa and socialist-ish that we didn't think the same of bush/cheney. and just an fyi... i've said it before and i'll say it again: nobody gives a shit about obama or bush or any other name for that matter... at least i don't. the man/woman does not make the office shitty or good, the policies that the man/woman makes and enforces does. if obama/bush abided by the constitution and governed conservatively, they would've done a fine job by me. democrat or republican or fucking green party, it doesn't matter. we have a basic set of rules in this country, and we can't even follow those anymore. i still love this country and believe in it, but can't say the same for those who say they represent "us".
  18. no actually, i got there at 4pm, i told them i wanted to ride the vmax, they told me i had to wait til 4:30, so i rode the warrior first and rode the vmax right after. they treated me ok. they kinda gave me the stink eye cause they were concerned about my age (they called me a young man) and cause my license said Novice on the endorsement. I told them I've been riding for about 4 years now, and that i ride about 15k miles every year, and they seemed to feel more comfortable after that. i didn't have a problem with that... i guess someone already dropped the R6 or something earlier and they didn't want another squid like me dropping their vmax or warrior. anyways, the ride was nice.
  19. i went to that demo day today, and i had a lot of fun riding the VMAX and the warrior. Uncle Punk, is your name Todd? I told them some guy from the forums posted about it, and they asked me if your name was Todd, and I just said, "yeah, sure!". anyways, the bikes were great to ride, and the VMAX is pretty baller.
  20. i am sincere, i am friendly, and i am local! i just don't want to be misunderstood.
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