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Posts posted by jbot

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Going to have to give this round to @jbot He has @2talltim back pedaling like crazy now.

    i actually don't care about any of this, or even disagree with tim on the subject, i'm only doing this to remind everyone i should have been picked as mod.  i mean, guys, look at how much more rep i have.  it was an easy choice.  i feel so cucked and will resent tim for the rest of my natural life because of it.

    • Haha 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

    FTFY that YFFM

    is this your way of acknowledging that you bring no useful information or even a remotely educated point of view to this forum on this particular topic and should probably refrain from offering your opinion like it has any value or validity?

    k then

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  3. 2 hours ago, 2talltim said:

    Never said i hated it, just said it's not my thing. I do find it hilarious that some get so defensive about it and can't take a little rib jab every now and then. All (my)road fiends I can think of that tried the track and came right back to the road. They learned the lesson for me that I think I already know. Road>Track (for us anyway)  Some like you and other obviously feel different. I've never told any one that the road is the best and only way to ride for everyone. But I've heard many on here say track is best and only way to ride and if you don't try it your a poopoo head, over and over again.

    i, too, enjoy going into threads where i have no 1st hand knowledge of the subject being discussed and talk shit about it, and then accuse other people of being defensive when they call me out for more or less acting a fool.  i, too, am a man of culture.

    • Haha 4
  4. 2 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:


    Naaaaaaah, no way guys. If I wanted to be full on track junkie I would have become one long ago when Ryan and jester both were deep into it and Ryan always telling me how much fun it is and pulling me to try it non stop. I like going fast in streets only in certain scenarios and only certain moods, most time when I am out by myself am just enjoying the travel. I believe one of my best asset as a rider is my ability to have a photo memory of maps. I never used gps for any street rides in the last 10 years, except once we reach a city area. And I love exploring the roads that way, just look up map and go out and enjoy, stop take tons of pics and videos. And most importantly meet new people. For example in the last few days I been out riding have met some other new riders who is just like us “ full gear full long day twisty riders” already have their contacts and stuff and most likely building up a network of like minded network like this. 

    now regarding track, I am 100% certain I enjoyed this way more than last time was because of the people around. The one time I tried in nearly a decade ago, I was new new to every thing. New to OR, new to America, new to track. Only person I knew was @jbot he went above and beyond to help me get there and try track and feel included. But I was just too reserved shy and hiding social anxiety and track anxiety lol But this time literally everyone I knew for years, felt like coming back home, these guys were giving me tow around makes you feel privileged compared to other novice guys. 10/10 would recommended any street riders to give a track day one try just for experience. Pretty sure @Skinny guy will contact you next year Tim. 

    at the track I was just enjoying them corners, in the straight I was not even opening up. Literally riding like street style with attack corner and cruise straight 😂  I like the acceleration part, shooting out of corner but don’t feel good about the velocity part like full on high speed. Don’t have a competitive urge or that kind of personality which I think you need a bit to get absorbed into track days. If not you can be pleasantly involved just running intermediate group and enjoy for ever. As for me, all I see in future is just trying novice days once in a while just to come explore the limit of bike and train myself a bit more to trust the bike in a controlled environment. 👍 

    you were awesome then, and you're awesome now.  never doubt your awesomeness, Nivin.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Pauly said:

    I am not anti-comm. I am anti-not being alone in my helmet. 

    On a big trip? Maybe. On a 300 mile cannonball run? Not interested. Besides, if I do make a poor decision and smack into the side of a truck, nobody wants to hear me die in their helmet. Except Jinu, but he has weird fetishes. 

    It would make me so very hard

    • Beer 1
  6. going back to the whole "using tax dollars to fund saudi war in yemen" thing... i didn't read anything on it, but i thought the saudi government is paying the US gov and contractors/manufacturers billions to buy said ordnance?  or are you saying we are literally giving them free armament, and the government is paying manufacturers out of the defense budget instead of from moneys paid by the saudi gov?

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