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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i did! i was the annoying asshole with the loud scooter roaming around the cabin area. i dont know if i saw you though.
  2. fz1 is better. uglier, but better.
  3. here is the scooter run through the dragon and then on rt 28: here are a couple short videos of earache from far far away the worst part is that is earache's "easy pace". hurtful.
  4. I hope that couple that was in front of us that was eventually shamed into pulling off sees this and maybe commit suicide with self hatred. i made it unprivate. i'll post a couple other videos of who i believe is earache far FAR out in front of me (lol) and my scooter run through the dragon and subsequent bear jew chase down rt 28. the last video will be long, but there is one part in there where i almost lose the rear during the dragon run because of the center stand picking the bike up during lean followed by insane cackling. i found that part rather amusing in retrospect.
  5. i will use this past weekend as a lesson that i should not use recreational "medication"
  6. here is likwid getting his feet wet on a FZ1 more to come later
  7. That's trmn8tr rockin it on the red dragon
  8. Had a great time. I'll post a full accounting later. We are just passing cinci now.
  9. jbot

    Coolant Flush

    you don't have to rev it or run it for very long. just fill it, cap it, turn it on and rev it a few times. then turn it off again to check. your bike shouldn't run long enough to get it to burninator temps. just do that a few times til the level stops dropping. once you're at deals gap, you can have someone check it and add some more for you if you're paranoid. this is not worth losing sleep over.
  10. jbot

    Coolant Flush

    fill with your choice of coolant, put cap back on, rev engine like a squid a few times, open it back up, add more coolant, close, rev, open, add, rinse and repeat til the level doesnt go down any more. if you let it get too hot while doing this, when you open the radiator cap, you're gonna get money shotted (I speak from first hand experience, you do NOT wanna get bukkaked by your bike). once you're reasonably sure it won't take more coolant, open up over flow reservoir cap, add coolant til somewhere between low-high line and ride off into the sunset.
  11. Brian? Who is this brian you speak of? I haven't seen a brian around for a while.
  12. i'm upping my coaching tactics to raise a fast one to take you on. i just think of you all as pokemon.
  13. we shall see. would kinda like to do this.
  14. videos from the panda cam Novice, videos from morning and afternoon sessions: Advanced, only a few minutes worth:
  15. FZ1 and scooter are loaded. took the feelers off the FZ so I don't get those pesky unnerving zings prepare your anii
  16. whats the buy back price on your bike (or is it worth buying back assuming they let you)?
  17. yeah, you and holy-wood need to get your shit worked out stat. it's bad enough having to change oil on those damn things... having to work out suspension issues on top of that is almost too much.
  18. did they have sub titles for him? when i watched the TT documentary, i couldn't understand a fucking thing that came out of his mouth
  19. new rule: people who weren't even at the race weekend don't get to talk shit about their betters.
  20. So a delusional, narcissistic motohipster, then. Oh the huge ducmanatees
  21. Too cool for Fontana, too cool for cheap widely available beer, too cool for jap bikes? I never thought I'd see the day... IP has turned into a motohipster. Humanity weeps.
  22. this is kinda related, but a few of us were sitting and chatting during the track day on sat, and the subject of how everything and everyone changes during the race. and basically, my contribution was "I think we just get stupid cause of all the hormones". i won't say i'm miserable at the shop even after the race weekend, but i can say that race day is the ONLY time i become just completely oblivious about what's going on at the shop. normally, i'm constantly thinking about this deadline or that fuck up, or some other customer... but during race day, all i think about is, "how do i prevent myself from going a bit wide in turn 1" or "why can't i get a good drive out of turn 13" or "fuck, i think my muffler is flapping in the wind" i did catch myself thinking about how weird it is that yesterday, i forgot about everything i was supposed to be doing today.
  23. good weather, good people, and good times. i didn't do very well results wise (I think I got like 6th or 7th or something during the sprints)... i got black flagged on the first sprint due to being a dunce and not realizing that my muffler was coming off (it happened like 4-5 laps in), and though I got a pretty good start in sprint 2 and making good progress, did poorly on the red flag restart and not fast enough to make up for the gap. that said, with all the good (and fucking fast) novice racers, i made some headway on my lap times, so i'm generally pretty happy. i'm starting to get better taking notice as to what the bike is doing, how it's moving and why, and really started to appreciate how much feedback i'm getting from the tires and actually paying attention to it. saturday night also proved to be a lesson to women that you should never let a bunch of hungry dudes do the grocery shopping cause we managed to rack up like a $150 in meat, cake, and other unimportant food items to grill at the house after the track day. next time, if we're not all completely exhausted, we can shoot some pool or play games (well, if my ps3 isn't broken again) or maybe i'll even remember to not be a terrible host and actually show you around the house. congrats to ryan for doing great on his first race weekend. my condolences to everyone who skipped this race weekend for other inferior events. what a mistake you've made in your life... you should probably consider seppuku.
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