This is all the rash I got. Other than that my gloves, jacket and boots ate everything up. Jacket is definitely still usable as well are my boots. Gloves are getting replaced though. Definitely nothing terrible. Leather is AWESOME!
I blame the wreck on the fact I was going too fast for riding in an unknown area. Didn't leave enough room for correction. You live you learn. I'll be out for a guided tour as soon as this stuff is fixed up.
We were Coshocton/ Mt. Vernon area. I don't know where exactly it was but they weren't real big curves. It was light turns I would consider but the entire turn was gravel and I set my line up to follow the gravel the entire way through before I saw it start. Couldn't see if a car was coming the other way so I figured my safest bet was trying to straighten out and go straight into the field. I only need my rear brake lever ordered and I'm good to go. Found a fairing that has a minor scuff on it and bought it already. Ordering another pair of A* GP gloves and I'm good as new. All the other damage is just rock chips and a very minor dent in my pipe. I want my bike painted anyway so this is just a good excuse is the way I see it.
Thanks, got up and had some giggles about the matter afterward. Got the experience out of the way and now I know what to expect I guess. I'm glad I know all my money spent on gear was worth it. Ordered a front fairing already and now I just need this brake lever fixed and I'm back on the road.
Took a spill out on the ride with my buddy today. Went into a turn a little too hot for not knowing the roads and my line was an entire turn of gravel. Tried to correct and ended up low siding. Gear worked like it should. Slid on my stomach into the grass. Gloves boots and jacket did their jobs. Little rash on my hips and my khaki pants don't have a mark on them. Probably went down around 35-40 after all the breaking and stuff came into effect. Need a brake lever and front fairing and I'm good to go. Probably need to replace my gloves I bought 2 weeks ago too. Lesson learned, learn the roads you're riding on first.
He will stay at his own pace. I've already taken him through a few twisty roads but nothing too intense like Hocking or up on the good Coshocton roads. I've had to wait for him at stop signs for minutes at a time. I was just extending the invite if someone else wanted to come along. My buddy knows his limitations and sticks to them and leaves room for correction.
Looking to go for a ride on the 28th. My buddy who has never really hit any twists wants to get his feet wet. He is still pretty new to riding so I'll be waiting at stop signs for him. Anyone want to join in? Or have any road suggestions? I have work at 5 so want to be home around 4 if at all possible. I can delay being home til 430 if need be.
300 mile ride! It looked like a blast! 300 miles in the saddle isn't that bad. When you're having fun riding you'll forget how bad your back end hurts. I want to ride 26 real bad too and I was saving it for that trip. People will show up for the cause no matter how long the ride for the benefit IMO
I got to Iron Pony and try on what interests me then hit up EBAY, Amazon, and all the websites that show up under a google search. So far and a few others I can't think of have been great.
Let me know when the next ride is. I need to get my first wreck out of the way too. But on a serious note, I want to find the good roads in Coshocton. Since the 30th is Dayton ride maybe the weekend after?
Ah, sucks someone went down. When did you all end up heading home? I cruised out that way after MSF and saw a few groups, didn't recognize any of them as you though.