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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. Nobody has agreed on anything. So what you wanna do Art?

    Don't care, just tell me where to be. Wholly Joe's is cool. Jimmy V's looks fine. Brazenhead is a few minute drive for me.

    Molly Woos is fancy, but cheap and food is awesome.

    TBonehead's issues with every goddamn restaurant around makes it hard too. Geez. :D

    Whatever, don't make me pick. ;)

  2. Yeah, come to Roll On.

    I'll be in Sebring Last weekend of June. How far am I from you? I may ride to the Keys. If you know of any rallies around and want to go while I'm there, let me know.

  3. I just wanted to put this in quotes bc of how many times this has been (stupidly) said. It makes me laugh that just bc people have popped a baby out (caused a baby to be popped out) that they suddenly have 'parenting skillz'.

    On a seperate note, i'll play devil's advocate here (only a little, bc i think this is inappropriate as well). What do you guys find the most offensive? The clothing, the dancing, or the music? What if it was just one of the things? What if they were in baggy jeans and a t-shirt but still doing these dance moves, is that ok? OR what about if they were still wearing these outfits but doing a tamer dance to "itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini" ?

    It is the combination of clothes and dancing. If they were in baggy clothes or even normal cheering clothes, the routine might be cute if toned down just a bit.

    The outfits by themselves are not really appropriate anytime for a six year old. Yeah, not much different than a bathing suit, but much more suggestive.

    Maybe I feel this way because I have young nieces that have been involved in competitive cheering. Maybe it is because I am not attracted to six year olds, and think kids should hang on to innocence for as long as they can.

    Now if these girls were 19,well..... :D

  4. Giant thanks to the significant OR crowd that showed up tonight. It really means a lot to me and the rest of the guys at this stage of the band's career, I will for sure remember everyone and will be there to support you as well when you need it.

    Having a better sound and you guys there really helped us perform better. It only keeps going up from here.

    Rob, big thanks, we needed those shots big time. Much, much appreciated. Let me know if you need anything.

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