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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. Pretty sure that is where I want to move next month when my house closes and I am truly single again.

    Just wondered what it was like. I've been there several times looking at them, and my current house is about ½ mile away so I know I love the area.

    They are really nice and clean, and I've already seen a bunch of cute girls out by the pool. ;)

    There are a few bad reviews online though, mostly about noise. I am half deaf anyway and the other half unobservant, so not a real big issue with me.

    Electric bills are said to be high, no gas(which I prefer), but I am used to paying about $150-200 a month anyway. One girl told me it was about $60 for a 1 bedroom. I can deal with that any day day. Any truth to this?

    I am debating getting a garage. That was my original must have for the bike, but I can pull into the roofed foyer right next to my entrance and it stays dry and have a small covered patio, so I went with a 2 bedroom so I don't feel cramped. I noticed a few bikes in the parking lot, I would be interested in splitting a garage for bikes and storage if that is appealing to anyone that might live there and is on the forum.

  2. That was fun. If you ever play in something other than the dark, I might even get some decent photos. A couple were ok.

    I didn't mention almost getting flattened by a patrol car on the way over. Dude was moving way fast, I dove for the ditch. And that was after speeding up a little for a fast car coming up behind on the freeway. Fast enough I let them go instead. That was also a patrol car in a hurry that wanted my lane.

    Bummer. Did you dump it or just drive off into the median?

    Lighting was my fault, I dimmed the lights, they were blinding me. A band should backlit with ambient front lighting, not just blindingly front lit. To me it was still daylight in there, but after seeing some pics, it was pretty dark. Oh well.

    Thanks Lance! Tom, Chris, Jeff +1,and anyone else.....thanks for coming as well.

    Hopefully, next time Jagr doesn't have have to stay home and massage his vag and can make it.

    Actually, I should just shut up. I bail on stuff more than anyone. :rolleyes:

  3. Those of you who know me are aware of the time I have been putting into my new band, Shallowtail. Well, it starts tonight.

    As it turns out, we had a scheduling conflict and another OR member, Hwilli(Howard) will be jamming with us tonight, and possibly in the future on occasions.

    We are debuting a small dive bar tonight, The Dolphin Lounge.

    Come check us out if you're bored, or one of the shows I have listed.

    I'll try to keep it updated on the board, hopefully no one has problem with me promoting here. Generally the folks on here just happen to be our target audience.

    Show schedule confirmed, more to come soon. Click my signature for more info and a few demos.

    April 10th, Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    April 30th, Arlington Cafe, Cbus

    May 15th Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    May 22nd Roll On Columbus, Cbus

    June 19th Shimmers, Covington, KY

  4. Someone should tell him its a guitar - not a fucking drum.

    The sounds get really awesome when you hire a bass player and a dude to bang on the drums. Some people even add a vocalist. Crazy, huh?

    Some people also like to break away from the norm, and this is coming a guy in a cover band. This is pretty sweet, and he's getting amazing sounds from an acoustic.

    BTW, Randy Rhodes is not even close to the greatest guitar player ever. He's good, but Satriani wipes his ass with most of what Rhodes has written.

  5. is she hot? (cause only girls ride sportsters :p)

    Not really. ;) I would ride one.

    My dad might buy a Sportser. He was on mine, just said it was too heavy for him nowadays. He said he always wanted a sportser, but because of taking care of my dumb ass he could never afford it. :D

    Girl bike or not, I would love to see him ride again and hoping he does.

    The rain isn't looking good tonight. :(

  6. Awesome to hear.

    We need to have an ARTapalooza to reintroduce you into the wildz. :D

    Thanks! ST L. won't be an issue. :)

    ARTapalooza's are already scheduled. :p (Shallowtail shows, bitches)

    April 10th at Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    **NEW** April 30th, Arlington Cafe, Cbus -----We need people for this one!!!

    May 7th Fats Billiards, Cbus

    May 15th Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    May 22nd Roll On Columbus, Cbus

    June 19th Shimmers, Covington, KY

    More to come. Always gotta promote this shit. ;)

  7. Finally sold the house after 6 months. I get to be single now.

    Fuck, what a load of stress this whole process was. Serious just want to lay down and sleep for a day or 2 now.

    Get to close in a month, have to move on the weekend of Pearl Jam and the same day as a Shallowtail show, I'm excited. :mad:

    The Honda Shadow sold without me even putting it up for sale. My brother in law bought it. Wish everything could be this easy. At least I get to see it and the work I put into it go to a good home.

  8. I have a nephew(who isn't that much younger than me and I've always treated like a little brother) that is a great kid but makes really bad decisions and has been getting into trouble. He graduates(hopefully) this year. Some of it I attest to the town he lives in(not good at all), but the entire family has told him we help those who help themselves.

    Basically meaning that if he is working or in school and staying out trouble, we will help him out. If not, he gets nothing, except a hug and a "I love you" when we see him.

    If does get in trouble but eventually straightens up, we'll be there to help him again.

    Basically what I'm saying is follow through on your word, buy him a ticket, tell him you love him and you'll always be his father and friend, but you're done taking care of him until he can take care of himself. If he proves himself, he'll be welcome back.

    Like others have said, maybe military would be a good decision to try to steer him to.

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