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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. So I had a slight fender bender in my truck a week or so back, wasn't worth claiming to insurance. Needed to get a new bumper and grill though.

    I contacted Paul and asked him quickly he could get the parts painted for me because I am going on a road trip this weekend.

    He had planned on painting last weekend for me, but of course everything got held up at Fed Ex and I didn't didn't get the parts until Tues.

    Gave Paul the parts Wednesday, he had them for me next freakin' day even though I know he is busy as hell.

    That's unbelievably cool and awesome that he hurried for me so I didn't have to drive my truck all beat-up on my trip.

    Color was a perfect match to my truck, Paul did a great job as usual. Quality craftsmanship with great pricing is hard to come by anymore, but I got it today.

    This is second project I've had Paul do for me; he painted my bike last winter. Both projects turned out great.

    I couldn't be happier with his services, and know where I'm going the next time I need something painted.

  2. Please don't stir it up again.......but just to let you guys know....the mishap after the party is off the book.....I got a killer lawyer (but I broke my bank)....and the charges dropped......

    I drink only "iced tea"..........shut up ........not long island.....lipton.....:moo:


    Nice. Glad that got taken care of. Must really be a good lawyer to do it that fast and walk away clean. Good to know that a great person can still make a small mistake and not mess up their lives too much. Just keep dancing, bro. :D

  3. Creatine is okay. Don't expect huge gains, but it can help a bit. I think it is okay for high schoolers. I think there are better supplements out there now.

    When I ran track in college, I used it and another called dibencozide(its some kind of super b12) that no one talks about and I thought was awesome. Gave me tons of energy and stamina. I was a stick thin sprinter that has the metabolism of a small bird though, I think Dibencozide is more for weight gain. Really hard to find the good stuff now though.

  4. You're the one running this show I would go for the most stable least amount of babysitting approach.

    I agree. Do whatever is the least amount of work and the least expensive for you, Ben. I never notice it running slow and we rarely have problems.

    If someone doesn't like what you provide, I recommend a falcon punch from Jagr. :D

  5. Buy mine, please :D No land, but that's why you have a car. :)

    As far as lending goes, try Fearon Financial, ask for Jarvis. He's a friend of my boss, I've talked to him about refinancing as well, stand up guy. If your credit is good and you have a down payment, you'll be in good shape.


    I have a friend that is a realtor, I've used him to buy and sell, and about 10 of my friends have used him as well. He's great. Steve Cochern, Century 21, 614-209-3319. Tell him Art sent you.


  6. Here's my half hour, time is the one thing I don't have a lot of time of, but I figured I would help you out. PM me an email and I will send you a pdf. I'm done after that, use it, don't use it, have someone else change it up if you want, it's yours now. :)


  7. Yeah uh, it's designed to do that so you don't feel it. Keep in mind, that was a tree and said tree wasn't about to move. All of that energy was immediately transferred to the front of the truck. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. It may seem like a lot of damage in a low-speed collision, but the way that bumper and the rest of the front end act in a high-speed collision is important. :)

    Oh, I get it, just would rather have it made like some old steel 50's beast that would have chunked the tree and barley scratched the car.

  8. So, I've been complaining a lot about stupid drivers when it is snowing, and it came back and bit me in the ass. Went to go pick up a drunk friend last night, driving my truck through my very poorly plowed, ice covered neighborhood, hit a patch of ice and then a tree. :mad:

    Was going about 20-25 miles per hour, Hit some ice, spun left 90 degrees, crossed the road and sledded into a tree. Was maybe doing 5 mph at impact, Didn't even set the airbag off. Was pissed because I figured my truck would have a small dent now. Got out to inspect, and to my surprise the whole freakig bumper was crushed in. Ridiculous that it is that frail and it just accordians and snaps all the plastic bolts and tabs and crap.

    Just got done stripping the bumper off the truck, Luckily no damage to radiator, hood, and didn't move the fenders or anything. Biggest part of the assembly is plastic, and it did pop right back out, not even scratched and only tore a few of the fasteners that are hidden. Metal part is fucked.

    It was pretty funny to go back this morning and see my license plate sitting on top of the snow pile. Tree didn't even have a bit of bark damage.

    So is our OR body guy, or anyone have a hookup for Ford parts? :) Don't even think I'm going to claim it on insurance, Would like to just get the parts, get them painted, and throw them on myself.


  9. us guys with normal sized penis's will truck em down with the girls ..... only the lil fellers with somthing to prove will ride down.


    I would ride if: a. I was going, 2. it was 60 degrees.

    Done with wet and cold riding. Just pisses me off and like rrrider said, got nothin' to prove.

  10. I've got the ISO's with the throttle rocker. I like them, and get the throttle rocker, it's worth it. There when you need it, unobtrusive when you don't. They are comfy, but could be a little bulkier to me. The diameter is smaller than the what I had before, and makes me close my hand a bit more and sometimes cramps up after a couple hundred miles.

    Scootworks or Amazon has the best prices.

  11. As fucked up and depressed as I get, I must live well (or possibly depraved).

    I notice people wanting partying, sex acts, adrenaline and the sort. I've done most of that stuff and just want to calm the fuck down for a minute I guess.

    24 hours?

    An hour of fishing with my dad, and hour of dinner and conversation with my mom, and an hour of just hanging out with my sister, nieces and nephew.

    I'll even take an hour to BS with the rest of family for a few minutes.

    It's weird I want that, I'm not even that close with my family, but maybe that's why I do.

    The other 20 hours would be devoted to making a work of art or writing a song that I could be remembered by and that digs down into someone's core and makes them feel better about themselves; or at least provokes some thought.

    That's all I ever want out of life; to share the few gifts of creation I was given and have even one person say "damn, Art really got me thinking. Now I'm going take that vacation, get a new job, stop doing drugs, learn to read, treat my spouse better; whatever I need to do make me a better person."

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