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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. They sorta think the guy that died was just trying to get out of the way, of the trucks that were racing.

    I try to stay off of James between Broad and Livingston. Dunno, I just don't go there anymore.

    I took Pedro's post as the guy trying to help him was killed as well. Sorry.

  2. I'm not hardcore into firearms, but I do shoot occasionally.

    I've read that in some cases a .22 can be more lethal than a larger caliber round, simply for the fact that a larger caliber will pass right through a body, while a .22 will enter, lose the velocity to escape flesh or bone, and just bounce around inside and cause internal damage.

    I dunno, just something I remember reading, it could have been from some horror novel for all I know, maybe The Zombie Survival Guide. :)

  3. If I understand that comment correctly, I just wanted to clarify something for you so you would understand the difference. The 300 dollar course is exactly the same as the one you took, in fact the one you took also costs 300 dollars. The State picked up the other 275 bucks.

    The only difference is that the one you went to fills up fast, because of the cost savings of course. People go to the other one and pay the 300 bucks because they can't get a spot, or are in a hurry to get their license...maybe because they waited too long and their temp is about to expire......

    That was exactly my case, I took it at C&A only because I couldn't get in the state courses for a few months and didn't want to wait. The classes are smaller. The instructor I had teaches the state and the dealer courses, he said the dealer courses are slightly better only because they are getting paid more and the smaller class helps.

  4. are there any good roads in pa?

    If you through the northern panhandle of WV, you can cross over into some nice areas of PA. It's been 10 years since I've been there, but the twisties are good, scenery is nice, and road conditions are shit. I remember where we used to cross into PA there was a noticeable drop(a few inches) on the WV/ PA border. It would instantly go from smooth blacktop to potholes and gravel.

    Just make sure you hit 88 and 67 in WV north of Wheeling. 88 crosses right into PA.

  5. Anyone know of any store in Ohio that carries Milwaukee MC boots?

    I have a hard time finding shoes and boots I like.

    I'm willing to travel an hour or two from Cbus, gives me an excuse to ride.

    Competition sells them online, but not in-store. :(

    There are a few I would like to try and can find online, but I refuse to buy a pair of boots without trying them on.

    Milwaukee's web site doesn't list their vendors like a lot of manufacturers do.


    I also think it's weird they are based in NC. I would figure, uh, Wisconsin?

  6. I'll be the spoiler here......

    If you are a photographer, trying to be professional, and claiming to be knowledgeable, you should at least be familiar with the zone system. It's importance does lie in B & W, but still useful in color as well. It was probably the most innovative photo technique to happen in the past 100 years before digital. I'm only in my early 30's, so the technique is not outdated by any means.

    Basic, (remember I said BASIC) color correction in Photoshop should be done by finding gray balance in either curves or levels. The three eyedroppers that are there? that is what they are for. You find your whitest white, blackest black and a middle gray (you can find these by watching the color values in the info palette: RGB is easiest, all 3 close to 255 is white, closet to 0 is black, and to find the gray you find 3 values that are close to equal, say 141-143-142.)

    Now to be a critic.

    The first two corrections look like someone that had Photoshop Elements for 2 days and was playing around and found the hyper-real button. Yeah, you the saturation tool may not have been used, but they are for sure over-saturated. I can see jpeg artifacts on the Attack bike. that is a no-no.

    Evil-twin, I would consider yours pretty damn good. The tones are mostly correct, but the green did shift slightly.

    Cliff, the one you did before the vignetting was pretty good, but then you overdid it.

    I'm not for sure, but it looks like you are over-sharpening as well.

    The B & W is pretty good.

    Recon, I think you whites need to pop a bit more, but otherwise pretty good.

    Tom, I don't think over-saturation sells. Bright colors that pop, sure, but hyper-real, no.

    I'll post a few of mine in another message so just you don't think I'm full of shit.

  7. hmm... i was thinking about taking online courses for something. not sure what i wanna do, or which school. i dont really know what im looking for though. never thought id be doing this.

    if you're looking for something local, try Franklin or Columbus State. I'm getting this degree from Franklin, but I have taken classes for it at Columbus State because they transfer well and it saves money. A lot of Franklin students take as many courses as they can from CSCC because it is about a third of the cost.

    I know Bowling Green and Cincinnati both have extensive online programs as well. Stay in state if you can, you'll save a ton of money. It think Ohio Dominican has some programs as well, but they are not cheap.

  8. I decided I needed another design degree so I started taking web development classes online.

    Online classes are no joke. All of the work of a regular class with no hands on instructor support. And you have to be disciplined enough to actually do the work without having a set class schedule. Try being a right-brained artist and taking a Java class online. One of the hardest things I have ever done.

    Good luck with your classes, Fonz. Always nice to take care of of some unfinished business.

  9. I have never purchased anything from them, but I know they are a very involved sponsor. The fact that they show up to events and know that we will see them on a regular basis tells me that they are not willingly going to scam people and then have to see them all the time.

    A salvage bike is always risky, but I think they would be a safer dealer to buy one from.

    Anyone ever bought anything from them?

  10. Being a sign guy, I'll turn away business and say that I doubt the yard signs do anything for this. Yard sales or events, yes.

    In this case knowing some drivers, they would be reading the sign and hit a motorcyclist. :nono:

    Casper, I think the billboard that you and I talked about would be effective in the right place.

    I think radio would be the best way to go though. Just seems that it would reach the most people.

  11. Helmet?


    No Helmet.

    My neighbor walked down there right after it happened. I guess he was doing about 50 in 25, had been drinking, doing wheelies. Lost control, hit a parked truck. The bike flew into the air and landed on top of him. I guess he was lying there before EMS arrived, and some other folks removed the bike and he passed. They were questioning the folk who removed the bike, and paramedics told them had they left it, they may have been able to save him.

    Squidliness all around.

    Now this is all second hand info, take it for what its worth.

    I think it its pretty shitty of paramedics to try and put some of the blame on people trying to help him by moving the bike off of him. If the guy was being a douche, there is no one to blame but himself. . Did he deserve to die? No, but trying to help him was the right thing to do in my opinion.

    I told my neighbor if he ever sees me wrecked with my bike lying on top of me, fucking move it.

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