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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Steel. http://www.billski182.com/Sprocket_Honda_Cruiser.htm It's the 599, it'll save ya $10 + shipping. The 38 rear is the 815S.
  2. Go 38 on the rear sprocket, I did, I am happy. I also have a 17 front sprocket, new in package. $20 if you want it. Get that Billski on there ASAP.
  3. Wow, where did he put them? There were 20 small ones.

  4. Let me see what I can do tomorrow, I'm slammed today, and off W, Th, F, and M.

  5. My garage. There are a few shadow guys on here(most are on shadowriders.net as well). More than enough advice on what and how to do stuff. Feel free to ask, and welcome!
  6. Tricks of the internet geekdom, I love it. :)

  7. Do you sleep?

    I see you on here during the day, middle of the night, sometimes in the early morning. :)

    I don't sleep much either.

    Oh well, nothing better to do, right?

  8. Did you happen to see the finished posters? They turned out good. I also upgraded them from paper to waterproof vinyl. Shh.

  9. No kidding. I think if you don't subscribe to the thread or check the groups, you'll never know they are updated.
  10. Here's the law..... http://www.tintcenter.com/laws/OH/ I remember getting a ticket years ago in Upper Arlington, jacked my insurance because they said it was an equipment modification citation. BS. I think it's sad they they actually issue equipment to LEO's to check this. I know it can be a safety issue, especially if someone is dumb enough to tint their front windshield, but c'mon. If we keep getting more laws and taxes we're not going to be able to leave the front yard soon.
  11. I want a tablet screen real bad. My boss would probably buy me one if I justify for other reasons than it is cool and I want to play. Do you still work in printing?
  12. The Lego Star Wars one is cool. Jrmii, what's wrong with multiple monitors? I run 2 19"s at home, and a 20" WS and 18" at work. Graphic designers need lots of monitor real estate. Mine at work... At Home.... I'm a batdork, have been since I was a kid. Funny thing is, it kinda lot's its appeal to me last summer when it was cool to like Batman. I loved Dark Knight, but kinda glad the hype is gone so I can go back to reading comics and not feel like I'm trying to be trendy.
  13. You're the man, Chris. Thanks for helping me out on my latest purchase. Should have contacted you on the last one too.
  14. Try the throttle rockers like everyone is saying. I use them and seem to have pretty good luck. I usually just set the palm of my hand on it and keep my hand extended flat with my fingertips resting on the brake, almost like I'm covering it. I rarely have problems like this, but I am also in different riding position. Get a cruiser for long rides.
  15. I'm from Bellaire, so I know the roads you are used to riding on. There is nothing even close in Columbus. Hocking Hills or Coshocton are the closest. Twisties aside, Columbus is still a major upgrade over the valley. Hope you enjoy it.
  16. I'll probably take the 4 gig. I love my 30 and my wife has been wanting one. Let me ask her tonight. Surprised you're switching. I switched from ipod to zune, and I'll never go back. I hate itunes.
  17. Me too. My round trip to work is 3 miles. Can't beat that. I rarely leave the area, everything I need is right here.
  18. I have lived in this area for about 10 years in a bunch of different apts. before I bought my house, or have had friends that have lived in others, so I know a lot of them. I would be happy to help you out if you decide to move and are looking in this area. There are a few 1 bedrooms that go for 400-500 a month, and are nice, and more importantly, safe.
  19. Northwest is the best. Seriously, there are neighborhoods around Sawmill(I live in one) that have Columbus taxes, Worthington or Dublin Schools, and get all the perks that Dublin and Worthington have(snow plowing, police, etc). These suburbs are very unlikely to let the area decay as well, and are pretty safe. Pretty easy drive to downtown and tons of shopping nearby. If you are looking to buy a house, there are a few for sale in my neighborhood for good prices., PM me if you want more info. My neighborhood is awesome, everyone is cool, we have block parties and stuff, and hang out all the time. If you are renting, there are tons of nice apartments around Sawmill that are fairly inexpensive as well. Also, quite a few very nice nursing homes within 10-15 minutes of Sawmill. Riverside Hospital and the new Dublin hospital(it's fancy) are 10-15 minute drives, as well as OSU Medical Center.
  20. I really don't understand how you guys get so many posts. I feel like I'm on here nonstop(I know I have the website open at least 3 or 4 hours a day) and only have 295 posts in 6 months, and I barely have a life. I think I use it more for PM though and I don't think they count.
  21. See Jagr's thread-- http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=28697 This is a mandatory event for the Shadow Riders, so show up or be banned!! Just kidding of course, but we should all really try to make this. Should be fun, and it would be nice to see all the bikes together, and I think most of us are in already.
  22. Can't go wrong with miller girls. Unless they show up looking like this...
  23. Revised poster and bump...... The guys behind the scenes (jagr, mrbret, phop5, ashley at pig iron, and everyone else I missed) are busting their butts on this event. Try to make an effort to stop by so sponsors see Ohio Riders can get a large crowd together. This will only make future events bigger and better. Should be fun!
  24. Comfest is this weekend. Pretty cool place to go walk and around and talk. Plenty to see and talk about(and make fun of, just let her start it or at least be somewhat PC so you don't say something stupid). There are drinks but they are probably expensive and the vendors will have long lines. This will assure that you won't be a drunk asshole, but you'll be able to have one or two to relax. If things get quiet and awkward, just walk over and see a band for a few minutes until the conversation start back up. Buy her a cheap flower headband or beads or a caricature or something as well. I tend to find that the cheesier and cheaper something a gift is, the more it thrills my wife (besides diamonds or a car ). If things work out, save the dinner and movie for the next date. Ladies, what do say about this?
  25. I'm a bit behind on stuff. I was beat last night. I think I can get the revisions done here at work this afternoon.

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