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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Sounds like a great plan. Having both would be awesome, I would love too as well, and winter projects are fun. I did the same thing earlier this year, found a bike I loved that was a great deal, but even though it is hard, sometimes passing it is the sensible thing to do, especially with the uncertain economy right now. There will always be great deals that come along, the next may be even better!
  2. Keep the c50, everyone should be waiting for you anyway since you're nice enough to carry their shit. I would also have a hard time paying $9000 for a bike with 15000 miles on it. If you want something fast might as well get a new(er) sportbike for close to that. Your money though, ride something that you love, not what everyone else does.
  3. Here are a two events that plan on going to in the next few weeks, figured I would invite the Shadow Rider Social Group. Anyone else is welcome to go as well if you want to hang with the cool kids. Links to threads in the group with a few more details- Ohio Bike Week June 11-14 http://www.ohio-riders.com/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=115 Cambridge National Road Bike Show & Rib Fest June 20 http://www.ohio-riders.com/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=116 PM me if you interested.
  4. My bike is of a similar style and engine size, and the guidelines above are pretty close to when I shift. I don't have a tach either. In reality though, I never look at my speedometer to shift. When you drive a manual car, do you always look down at the tach or speedo to know when to shift? Probably not, same principal. Like others have said, you'll get used to your bike and know from engine noise and performance on when to shift. 4th gear at 35 seems early to me though, I would take it out and not shift until absolutely necessary a few times, that way you can get used to what the engine sounds like, and adjust from there.
  5. I took the MSF at a Harley dealer last year. My instructor said most of them teach at both the state and privates courses, so you're getting the same info and expertise. I think he also mentioned that the private classes are smaller(I think 8 compared to 20 or so, don't take my word for this), so it is probable that the teaching might me a little better. Have fun!
  6. I am a donor, have been since I got my license. They are more than welcome to it if they can find anything salvageable.
  7. Search is your friend. Hang out with him for a minute.
  8. Understandable when you only ride 5 miles a month. :grin: No worries, they would probably laugh at mine too.
  9. Probably to keep all the away. Welcome!
  10. Artmageddon


    Love it. The style and colors are right up my alley. If I would ever get something sporty, it would be this bike.
  11. Nothing wrong with asking and this is not directed at you, but I think most of the girls on this forum are either wives or girlfriends of other members. So if you single guys are on the prowl, keep that in mind.
  12. +1 It was pretty nice to get personal messages from a vendor about a something I posted. I think these guys will be pretty good. Working link- http://www.tobefast.com/custom-bikes-pg-2.html
  13. Yeah, stop by and and talk to Donna or Shelly. I work in the back, but tell her to get me, I'll pop out and help. What do you have going on?

  14. Mine aren't motorcycle specific, I wear a pair of GBX's or Wolverines. The sportbike guys can answer this, but I would think a true riding boot may be better on a sportbike because of the angle your feet sit at. Does it make a difference?
  15. jack shit is going on. Bike is back in the shop. Stupid rim.

    Ha! I clicked on your profile and didn't see that you had a music player. I've got the band Hurt playing in the backgorund, heard something new was wondering if it was a hidden track that I missed in the 100 times I've listened to it, and if so it was gay. :) I look down and you have Flock of Seagulls playing. Your Motorhead avatar is revoked.

  16. I think it looks better now. Hopefully your friend is okay and paid for the repairs. Well, only okay if he payed for the repairs. jk.
  17. Wow. I need to show this to my wife next time she bitches because I make her put on jeans and shoes when she rides with me. She wears flip-flops all year around and hates closed toe shoes, but no shoes or boots, no ride. I always wear good boots when I ride, but very seldom wear anything but boots as it is. Good socks make them more comfortable and cooler. I usually wear Columbias, Smartwools, or any good merino wool. Sounds hot, but they wick way moisture and keep your feet dry and cool. Shop around for good boots, you can find a good pair for less than $100. Any good leather is better than a tennis shoe. Just make sure they are oil resistant if you don't get boots designed for riding. The first time you put your foot in a puddle of oil at a stoplight, you'll be glad you did. I always wear my helmet, but I am guilty of riding in a t-shirt when it is hot, and about the only time I wear gloves is if I'm cold. Just a risk I choose to take, doesn't mean it's right. Wear the gear though, man. Better safe than sorry. Like others said, the one-handed thing will come after you ride for while. When I first started riding, I usually kept the brake and clutch covered. Take your time with this, don't feel like because you see everyone else doing it, it doesn't mean you have to until you are comfortable.
  18. I usually host pics myself, 1st time I used the OR albums. Had it set to private. Let me know if they show up now.
  19. Here is my little turd, Dozer. He's a Miniature Dachshund. Being in your early thirties, married with no kids tends to lead to a very spoiled dog. He is very obedient and smart, and has a great personality.
  20. Artmageddon


    From the album: Dozer

  21. Artmageddon


    From the album: Dozer

  22. Artmageddon


  23. Truthfully, I've never met Bill, and would feel like a dick asking someone I don't know for a favor. Just not my style. As long I know it will be done correctly, I really have no problem with paying to have it done. Don't get me wrong, it won't make me happy to again for a job that I already paid to have done once. Sometimes shit happens though and you just have to suck it up. I would rather have a safe bike.
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