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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Hey.... It's just winter and I've been feeling anti-social.
  2. I don't get it. I actually think without a windshield wiper, it would hinder visibility in wet conditions. I know when I use my tall shield in the rain, I have to look above to see anything.
  3. Welcome. Ohio Riders is now an international phenomenon. Sweet.
  4. When I see a sportbike come up behind me, unless I know a cop is ahead, I generally share the lane and let them pass me. Everyone has different riding styles, I don't want to hinder someone else's good time if I'm just cruisin' chill.
  5. You have me liking the Nolan's. My next helmet will be one, I like the chin strap and intercom deal. I've tried a few on, pretty comfy too.
  6. Artmageddon


    Actually, except for the unlimited text, It is pretty much the plan I have now. It is just set up different.
  7. Artmageddon


    Thanks for the tip...I already have Verizon, but I'm going to see if I can qualify for this. I doubt it though, Verizon is one of those companies that shit on on their long time customers but give new customer's all kinds of great deals.
  8. It is a little brisk in the mornings, but lunch and after work are fine.
  9. Hope to see a few peeps there. Looks to be a pretty good crowd coming tonight, I might get sloppy drunk to entertain them better.
  10. "Uh, where's Amber? Don't look down, don't look down, ulp, fuck, I looked down, ass, Oh yeah, nice. Crap, look up, look up, ok, no one saw me, Cool."
  11. You are one the few people that I believe when they say that. I liked the show overall, pretty faithful to the comics, but something seemed just a bit off to me. It may have been just that the actors weren't quite comfortable enough with their characters yet, but it seemed a bit forced. Special effects were pretty good, I wouldn't call them realistic, but faithful to to zombie lore and damn good for a weekly series just starting out. I think the best thing we have going for this show is that they are treating it well and and are making sure the don't ruin the books with it. That stands in favor for the viewer. I wish I could relax and zone out for 5 minutes instead of over-analyzing every thing for once.
  12. Yes, Cheech is creepin'. We shold send this to Chive for one of those photobomb threads.
  13. I've been waiting for this. The books are great, the show is looking pretty damn good too anis fairly accurate to the books.
  14. That would be effort on my part, can't have that. See you tonight.
  15. 17th or 18th might be best, since every people are actually from Columbus, we might still be in town that weekend.
  16. Are we going to get these PM's with an addy or am I just supposed to drive around town and listen for the sounds of man-rape for this thing?
  17. I don't know what options are in either of those programs. Email me the pic and I'll re-size it for you.
  18. 30k? What the hell is this site for? That is really tiny, a Speak and Spell could handle more info than that. What image editing software are you using? You would have to edit the size and resolution, maybe compression levels. Helpful right?
  19. I'm not sure how they got that number.(it does say there was short track though) I've had my Softail(which has the same motor the Electra Glide and Road King) up to 115 easily with room to go if I had a pair, and I've gone 100 with the girlfriend on the back so the weight difference between the bikes can't that big of a deal. I think there is a Screaming Eagle motor that performs better too, I would imagine police bikes would get this as well. I would bet the other bikes would get to 120 or so a whole lot faster either way though. That being said, I really am surprised BMW doesn't supply more police bikes. I'm sure that is what is used in Europe. I guess it doesn't matter though. Unless the police have a performance sport bike to match a bike they are chasing, someone doing 160 is either going to get away or wind up mushed on the pavement anyway.
  20. It was the black one! Had orange flames on the tank too, not sure where they came from. :)

  21. Awesome. I like midgies, we'll hook up. You coming to this?
  22. I was dreaming about you last night. You were riding on a track and kept wrecking the Z and would dive off and do belly flops onto the pavement. ???? A bunch of other people were there and kept wrecking too. WTF?

  23. So how about some directions to this shindig for the people who have never stroked off Ron & Jeff like Yota does??? I'm also assuming this is a costume party? Can we can get an official go ahead from Captain Ron and see if there is anything else we need to bring besides beer(food, music, whatever)? Do I sound like a whiny bitch?
  24. Bummer. The only thing I know is that I keep wanting to click the new supporter/sponsor/ mod icons and expect them to take me to some magical place down the rabbit hole or somethin' like that. Get to work on that instead of spending weeks of your time working on and improving the site, slacker.
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