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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. You could have more. 4600..... But i only see the same 25-50 posting...
  2. Gonna pass just for the gun and case and mags. I found pro Arms selling the rra 16" with 5 mags tact case and a gg&g buis for 850. Good luck.
  3. Come on people I need hookers n blow for the weekend
  4. that dude

    sex toys

    Niice gotta love the duct tape trick.
  5. so 900.00 for the gun case and mags and mat?
  6. Who uses open sights in cod? I use a red dot in life and in the game. Check out primary arms for great knock offs that stand up
  7. Whonmakes the foward grip. Sling looks like a black hawk. What's the buis brand? I'm guessing it's all generic items. You keep the optic buis fg and i would give ya 850.
  8. Don't waste your monies on an acog, unless your in the military or a tourney shooter
  9. I can even drop it off in Parma for 250!
  10. Yea not really into the charity biz! Come on 250 is a steal for a new 9mm. No bkgrnd check or paper work to fill out
  11. Nothing like the blats splats
  12. wrong aow.Electric Heat is 100% energy efficient. all the incoming electric energy is converted to heat. All resistive heaters do exactly the same thing with the electric energy they use: convert it all to heat. They only differ in the way they distribute it into the house. For his application the base board heat is his best option. Yes i agree on the fact you have to watch your wattage, not soley the length. Most are very close unless your buying from marcs or odd lots.
  13. Isn't it a legal binding contract if he orders online and paid in full?
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