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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. 1000 a week to play hide n seek
  2. Yup.... But if your not working it doesn't matter:cool:
  3. Every year We get a raise. Can't say the same about the non union sector
  4. With my pants on the ground
  5. all union workers are overpaid lazy fat fucks
  6. funday sunday bump 249.99
  7. buy a ruger 10/22. they are cheap new
  8. Hey it is what is is. Jealous? You made your path in life.
  9. Blow scarface goodfellas American history x Friday
  10. U love me here on your site
  11. I promise you, again you don't have to take my word for it...
  12. Move to china if we demand too much
  13. 15 an hr WTF is that. I made that high school
  14. Dude you guys are way off about getting fired. If you suck you get laid off or fired . Real simple. Don't fool yourselves
  15. if you don't like them don't join. Will always be around my friend. It's time the scab owners start paying the workers a decent wage. Trust me the owners bid it the same.
  16. Who is this guy Ronald mcdonald? Instead of whining on here gonwhine to workers close by you. You don't have the balls. Later
  17. Yup nobody does shit. Were all fat n lazy n overpaid
  18. Go f yourself. You sound like a little whiney ass bitch yourself. Like me saying all scabs are fucktards. Not true. Keep your comments to yourself. Go tell the guys what younpost here to their face if it bothers you.
  19. Any tips? My first year doing it....
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