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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. Buy a 6-8 ft long heater that has 1500-2000 watts. Hope I was helpful. I know I'm right.
  2. How can he say that. He doesn't know what model or manufact. One 8ft strip may be 8000 btus and another 6000 etc. Get the point. It calls for 7200. Buy something with min7000 max 8000 and you will be fine. I doubt he looking for 75-80 degree aire.
  3. Trust me it's not 100 btus it's 50 btus. You need a 7200 btus. But whY the fuck do I know! Grape says 100 btus per sq ft. That would mean a little 1000 sq ft home would need a 100,000 btus. Never roughly 70,000 furnace for a 1000-1200 sq ft home. Other factors but this isn't hvac class
  4. Wrong. 50 btus per sq ft. He needs 7200 btus
  5. Sorry phones fucking up... Roughly 7000 btus are needed
  6. In a climate 4 zone(Ohio) you need about 50 btus percsq ft. 144x 50-7200 btus
  7. In a climate 4 zone(Ohio) you need about 50 btus percsq ft. 144x 50-7200 btus
  8. No way you need 144+ k btu for a 12x12 room
  9. Mmmm tasty.... Take a pint please
  10. I may buy the kits and try it. I guess the hardest part is removing the front grill. Seems like the closet shop that messes with them is in Lima Ohio
  11. Mount your heater on the outside wall if possible as well. Forgot that.
  12. Sell the kids for beer!
  13. Make sure you mount the t stat opposite side or as far away from the strip htr. I'm guessing no windows ? If there are, do not mount in direct sunlight either
  14. Thinking 8k myself. Will check that company out
  15. If your running strip heaters in a barn, oversize them and control each with seperate room t stats. So go 8 ft
  16. Thanks for the offers fellas but I'm gonna see if something pops up closer. I will check out ddm today, what color do like? 6 or 8k
  17. Life is too short to drink cheap beer.... Stella Artois grolsh dortmunder molson Canadian.... For everyone else miller bud or coors lite
  18. Rather pay someone who knows what the he'll is going on.
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