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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Both the wife and I enjoyed the movie. No crying.
  2. Now I'm gonna feel guilty taking the wife.
  3. ^^^ I'll give this a try ^^^ Thanks!
  4. I am looking for the most efficient way to pass a College Algebra CLEP test. The last time I took any math was 14 years ago. I tried the CLEP about 5 years ago and failed miserably. Schedule won't allow me to take the class, traditional or on-line. When I try to google for some help, it's a little overwhelming. Anyone know of any specific website that worked for them?
  5. Shaved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tattooed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Innapropriate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  6. Not a movie, but a documentary/mini-series: Long Way Round http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0403778/ & Long Way Down http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0959858/ For the love of god, never watch: Road Kings http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/road-kings/
  7. Do SEALs make good actors? I don't like the hype around the "reality" in the movie. Sill want to see it.
  8. My dad talks about "smell-o-vision."
  9. Is it just me...it seems like everything in the scenes are sharp and "in focus." The 3D makes some things appear closer, but the farther ones are just as sharp. To me it makes for a neat trick, but does not look realistic. All that said, I have almost no depth perception.
  10. Interesting thread. OP, your son sounds very trustworthy and intelligent. Everyone has their own strong opinions on guns and childrearing. My take on this...you could "test" a child today. They may pass with flying colors. Tomorrow they may not. Today they may be alone when tested. The next time they may be with friends, trying to impress each other. Do you know why they passed the test today? Was it fear of the parent, fear of the weapon, just following your guidance, etc, or best...knowledge of weapons? I guess what I'm saying is...I don't think this type of test is worth it for me and my family. Kids are everchanging and circumstances are never the same. I will continue to teach proper weapon handling to my family. This includes live fire/practice. It definitely takes the curiosity factor out. Hopefully doing that will give them the knowledge to not have a firearm accident. Also, the filming could cause trust issues. I have no desire to go down that road. In the end you have to have trust in yourself...that you raised them the best you could. **The original scenario reminds me of an old episode from the sitcom King of Queens. Doug leaves like $4.00 in change on the kitchen counter, in hopes of catching Carrie stealing it.**
  11. This v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ta7mkgrOU
  12. Tigerpaw

    Beer Pics

    ***Not my Pic*** Had some Yuengling Bock on 2/10/12. Not sure if it will be seasonal, or just a test run. A little strong at first...then I really enjoyed it.
  13. Vista Kawasaki was good. http://www.kawasakivista.com/ http://maps.google.com/maps?q=3916+Wilmington+Pike+Dayton+Ohio+45429&hl=en
  14. What was his lap time? lol Sounds like traction control ruined his "fun." I would have done a few doughnuts at least!
  15. You win...one free internets!
  16. RIP. She was definitely on borrowed time for awhile.
  17. On the 250R...just doe hair to the front end and fairings.

    1. Tigerpaw


      Wow...just wow!

  18. No offense to the OP, but it always was.
  19. Texas man rushed to hospital... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/golf-devil-ball-golf/golfer-stabbed-leg-trying-play-163539055.html
  20. I'm not reading that shit AGAIN. Why don't you try one more time. Come back, apologize, and we can move on.
  21. I'm AD...so that's how my example was geared. Not sure about Guard/Reserves Here is a good site describing different pays: http://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/payentitlements/specialpay.html I agree with the abuse Mojoe described, but it's more than just USAF For those that understand the pays...the big question is, does this leak over to Combat Zone Tax Exclusion (CZTE)? Similar to HFP/IDP, but makes the servicemember's paycheck "tax free" for an entire month at a time. That's where the real money comes from.
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