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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wrillo


    No, I don't know everything there is to know about tasers. I do know a bit about electricity. I also know that if you're 30' away, you're better off putting the taser away & getting a gun out. The same operating manual states: So from 30', thats a spread of more than 4'. I hope you get lucky enough to land it though, because with that much spread it'll hurt like hell.
  2. wrillo


    you know, I was just thinking "shit, I probably came off as a complete dick". I thought, well if he didn't include in his post, it wouldn't have come off arrogant, or belittling at all. However tells me you're just trying to be an asshat. I didn't know you could be certified with a taser without ever reading the operating manual. From the Taser C2 operating manual: So what were you saying about probe spread?link to operating manual on taser.com (pdf) edit: oh, & my bad... to answer your question, (what were you even asking? how much voltage does it deliver?) that would depend on the make and model of taser
  3. wrillo


    I'm going to school to be an electrical engineer & I thought I did, but please, please do inform me. edit: If it doesn't hurt any more the further the spread, why do the clips spread at all? They could have just made one clip with two contacts!
  4. At the gym yesterday I glanced at the TV to see the topic of gun control being discussed on CNN. They had an e-mail from Georgia that said "I'd just like to let you know that down here in Georgia, the topic of gun control means how well you can hit your target" I like it.
  5. wrillo


    this was complete bullshit anyway, it looks like they were trying to make it hurt the dude. They put one lead in the bottom of his leg and the other on his opposite shoulder. Thats not how one of these is gonna hit you
  6. I get cranky when I'm hungry too, either way, its the woman's fault:lol:
  7. see above ^^ boondock saints
  8. I love the boondock saints!
  9. :lol:well if I can stay at home then hell, I want included in the tryouts! I can cook, and I'm a little OCD when it comes to bathroom cleaning!!!
  10. Guys are hard to please? You give a guy a hooker, and he is gonna take it. You need "hooker tryouts" before you'll consider
  11. heres some laughs for everyone: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1277415/dont_judge_too_quickly_we_wont/
  12. some days I can even settle for "cute" for number 1 & 2
  13. What exactly is your point? My brother and a co-worker of his shot a dog 13 times with .40HP before it stopped running at them. If someone is running at you, it would probably take a shot gun to literally stop them. The whole idea is that most people won't continue running at someone that is shooting them, because the closer you get the easier the shot. Stop being stupid, you gonna carry a shotgun around?
  14. Rascal Flatts - The Day Before You
  15. Do a search for Eee PC & read up a bit. Its getting good reviews among the nerd community
  16. No, you attack with flowers with the hope that they're allergic
  17. wrillo

    lost all my mp3

    and remember, google is your friend: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 [artist] [title] Example: Coldplay http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=sLm&q=%3Fintitle%3Aindex.of%3F+mp3+coldplay&btnG=Search
  18. This is why no one likes talking about politics, because of bullshit like this. I was trying to be nice about it, but that doesn't get through thick skulls. So when and where the fuck did I say why I voted for Obama? I listed one damn reason that negatively influenced my opinion of Obama, and that hurts your head?
  19. whatch you talking about? I rode yesterday and today
  20. Well I guess I should have said "Obama didn't win my vote because he promised to ban assault weapons", that would have been much more clear. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agree with him on everything, and thats the unfair position a lot of people will put others in (as you did). I can think for myself, and I'm sure I will disagree with our President in the future. Those of you out there that think "the person I voted for is right", need to stop and think: Do you really agree with the person you elected, or are you simply agreeing to what you are told? Disagreeing with the official you elected is not hypocrisy, its called thinking.
  21. why isn't that blue moon in the fridge?
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