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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. can we be more specific about where this marathon is? I just checked, and its not real clear
  2. I'm pretty sure its "a whole lot" to answer the camera trickery question
  3. yeah right! you think I'd be driving a mini-van?
  4. How can they call you anti-social? You're willing to kick this guy's ass and you don't even know him! And violent? If he thinks an ass kicking is violent wait til I get ahold of him!
  5. You're thinking about it all wrong! When was the last time you took a Saturday off? 2 months ago? So this is two Saturdays over a period of three months that you're taking off
  6. landlords are another thing to consider in this debate + legal issues that might arise over a bad experience +1 on rent going up though. Its bullshit! The original asking rent at my place was $525.. its now at $650, and if the landlord wants to raise it with the next lease in June, I'm simply saying "no". Either it stays the same or I leave
  7. I think its a bad idea also, for a couple reasons. First of all, the economy. Right now is a horrible time to release such a thing. Second, the women that do ride, ride for the same reasons as the guys. They don't want to be seen as the "princess" on her "girly" bike. The women want to feel just as bad ass as the men, right? There are obviously exceptions, and there will be some women that want their own girly bike to be the cute one... but you better make sure her bike can keep up with the boys, or all bets are off.
  8. watching a little too much porn?
  9. Good to see that you're active on here Oblivion! I agree Ben, but the 600cc is a result of talking him out of the XB12r. I've made it very clear to the OP that a 600 can & will kill him, but as long as he keeps it cool he'll be okay for the most part. I fully expect him to shit his pants a couple times though :lol:I'm willing to teach those willing to learn though
  10. hell' date=' I don't think any of our [i']grandmas are safe now
  11. wrillo

    1000 posts

    so what is his real post count if we merge all his screen names?
  12. wrillo


    I don't do myface... I'm just on spaceBook now
  13. I know, right? $1500 and it shoots Miller Lite at you.
  14. wrillo

    March 7 ride

    hell yeah we did! that was a blast man! thanks!
  15. okay, I get it all now. I searched inertia dyno and got some good results. I was thinking inertia dynos measured hp, but they don't. They measure other stuff then use the moment of inertia of the drum to find hp, so it makes sense now. yeah I am, I should kick some arse
  16. It took me two hours to ride in to work today!
  17. haha!! off topic: but yota check in with smash about his tires... he just posted he wants to change it today
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