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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. I'd just like to take a moment to point out that this is actually a ZZR ... zizzer haters edit: holy shit! that exhaust manifold is a - w - e - s - o - m - e
  2. you just want to get paid for your efforts!
  3. Yeah, I knew that some COs do that type of shit. If you ride down south they're REALLY strict about everything (safety courses, etc). thats cool they gave them back to you though! How'd they find out? do you have to tell them that sorta stuff?
  4. I'll be there at 10:00 & just chill til you show up
  5. well are you meeting to go to the meeting spot? lol ... I'll meet you guys in k-town somewhere... or is this just gonna get too confusing for those not following?
  6. After just reading all of that my brain is twisted from all angles. Besides the morality and legality of sterilization for welfare, what about the kids themselves? If you stand up for the rights of children when it comes to abortion, why do you not stand up for the kids that would have been born had the government not sterilized their parents? In both cases, the kid would have been born and in neither case is the kid actually here breathing. What I am trying to get at is that some of the greatest success stories come from the drive to leave poverty. They make movies about this shit... Good Will Hunting, October Sky.. (two of my favorite movies) and for some real life examples October Sky was based on a true story. The main character (Homer) grew up to work at NASA.. and if the stories are true, our president didn't start life in the best financial situation Aside from that, I like this thread a lot. I like the idea of drug testing... oh yeah, one more thing that just popped into my head.. don't all these programs currently have enrolled length limitations? You can no longer be on food stamps (etc) forever, right?
  7. oh... it doesn't work for me... all I see is black edit: if I get out of street view, then go back it works.. so my bad, must be a google thing... or maybe its my POS computer at work
  8. this have something to do with your ticket?
  9. I think this is the key here. There is a slight performance increase over a slip on but the price increase is huge
  10. agreed. UFOs don't exist, cause if they did we wouldn't be God's special little children on His special little planet. QED
  11. I sense some sarcasm in f4i's post.. did you test your link? :wink:
  12. not so much for running though. when you run in flip flops you compromise your step to keep the flip flop on, and if your joints have anything to say about it, they prefer the soft padding of a shoe than barefeet/sandals I have heard that its good to walk barefoot though
  13. Its not thursday yet, quit posting in here
  14. death by road rash resulting from tow behind said motorcycle... why?
  15. I'm not going to claim them to be the "shizznits!!!" As a previous miata owner though, I don't like when people bash them. If you accept them for what they are and what mazda was trying to do with it, then you'll understand the car. The miata wasn't designed to compete with Porsche, or even be considered "high performance". It was designed to be a come back of old british roadsters with the reliability of today's tooling. The fact that you mentioned the Miata in a thread about Porsche speaks of the engineering that went into the car. If you haven't driven one, which I'm assuming you haven't, then you wouldn't undestand. The car isn't the best out there, but its got spirit and a whole lotta guts (no balls though, and thats why most don't like em)
  16. ... and whats wrong with Miatas? (Miati?)
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