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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. at this whole thread, but this ^^ in particular
  2. No you should politely ask for her phone number and tell me that you'd like to take her out for tea and bagels.
  3. wrillo

    Pet Peeves

    you know they make a single character for the ellipsis? hold down the "alt" key and hit 0133…
  4. wrillo

    Pet Peeves

    Don't be pointing fingers KK, Sapphy could have a laptop.
  5. thats why I didn't reply to him
  6. wrillo

    Pet Peeves

    me thinks you missed a joke hidden in there
  7. wrillo

    Pet Peeves

    Nothing, but you did prove my point that all women are crazy by self incrimination.
  8. wrillo

    Pet Peeves

    this guy... especially when one lane is closed for construction.. and this guy thinks he is the smartest mother fucker alive
  9. what the hell do you need that key for away? only time I've ever used it is in programming
  10. I'm just not gonna do 170mph. Not that my bike can go that fast anyhow
  11. another pic: she'll prolly beat me up for posting her FB pics here, but I'm just trying to help her out. She is recently single, BUT she was dating a black guy, so good luck there JRMiii
  12. wrillo

    No caption

    From the album: Random Posts

  13. wrillo

    No caption

    From the album: Random Posts

  14. Well I have a DEP meeting today at 4, and dunno how long that'll last. Have work, and night class tomorrow, then class Saturday during the day. So Saturday night, or Sunday will be best. I'll be down for the ride Sunday as long as its nice out, its calling for a "cloudy" weekend. Hopefully thats all it turns out to be instead this rain shit.

  15. my little sister was born in 88
  16. naw dawg. found out she has cancer in her uterus so I ditched that shit
  17. aren't you married? hello from a single guy
  18. reverse psychology... works every time
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