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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. is it just me or is that forum really dead?
  2. uhh.. what? pretty sure you can buy advertising space on all those sites
  3. wrillo


    okay, but if you're gonna punch me, you better man up and none of that "sucker" punch bullhonk
  4. wrillo


    are they really better in bed like all my TV shows and movies tell me?
  5. wrillo


    boo fat people!
  6. wrillo


    oh boo! Your sig doesn't show on the first post of this thread... I'm assuming because you changed your signature after you started this thread and the first post is indexed differently or something. I don't like that.. casper fix that
  7. wrillo


    fix your signature damnit! The copying and pasting into your posts is buggin me. Click on "User CP" at the top of this page, then on the left click on "Edit Signature" on the left side of that page. Then you'll have to edit your posts to delete the pasted signatures in your posts because it would be annoying to see a double signature on your posts.
  8. this thread is awesome. Anyway, I would check all of the connections that they would have been able to get to.. don't just assume all they did was unplug two wires, they could have switched some. So check them all
  9. wrillo


    jarvis, you can't cross-thread-quote posts, okay? stop it.
  10. wrillo


    rev run vid
  11. wrillo


    yo, I heard you like revs, so heres some more revs for revzilla on his revmobile You clearly know nothing about revzukis
  12. same here... I even thought they were "safe" from being thrown sitting down in that cage and holding on
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