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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wrillo


    worst thread ever
  2. wrillo


    ... how do you like it? a little more go than the 500?
  3. wrillo


    if you're that excited about it, why'd you come back? get outta here! lol.. just kiddd
  4. actually I think stock Civics only run in the 11 second range
  5. hey Nick we have a futon if, well.. you know seriously though, gixchick is thinkin about movin in... its not homo if theres at least one girl, right?
  6. We are on city water, and the only way your laundry will smell like stale water is if you forget about it in the washer not that I've done that or anything
  7. HondaJT, we're still good for 7:30 tonight... see you then? We're still looking for a fourth (bump)... but if you move in, I can assure you that your rent will still be 182 either way
  8. wrillo


    distractions!! :boo: work!
  9. omg! me too! new social group!
  10. wrillo


    I honestly don't think I've ever had RAM go "bad", so I doubt brand makes a difference. However I've seen PNY a lot
  11. not exactly... I've converted one of the old chicken coops into my shop. Plenty enough room to store bikes and work on them, and room to do some car repairs. Its not deep enough to get a cage in, but when I need to do work on them I just pull it halfway into the shop and work like that. In fact this weekend I'm doing a timing belt on an acura integra, so its not too bad, but definitely not a garage. Cages get parked outside if thats the answer your looking for
  12. mmk.. deal is back on the table, mistresses and all, sending a couple PMs right now
  13. haha, I'm sure he would! "wrillo_at_work"
  14. agreed, I don't mind it too much. I was just looking for a one click solution, so really this is at the bottom of the low priority list
  15. As you know, many of us surf the forum at work. Its gotten to the point that I have to turn off avatars every time I get on here at work. I think it'd be cool to be able to customize a safe mode and have a link on the home and forum pages to turn it on. (or maybe in Quick Links) Options I'd like to be able to setup in "Work Mode" would be: avatars on/off signatures on/off NWS forum on/off (visible/non) + ???
  16. there are some places Nick's couch can't go
  17. yeah we get it, no need to remind us of that mistake
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