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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. its on this street... but like I said, the offer is on hold for now http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=adams+rd+dayton+oh&sll=37.509726,-95.712891&sspn=58.153262,107.138672&ie=UTF8&z=15&iwloc=A
  2. That explains it, I thought her chest was a little big.
  3. nah, I got it covered. I put a clause in there saying he can't be a little fucking girl and say 'I'm not your friend anymore' because I got mad at him
  4. no he isn't on here. gonna have to put this add on hold until further notice... as long as he agrees to new lease terms he is gonna be back in
  5. even with your well thought out response, its still speculation without the actual numbers to look at. We don't know all the details, maybe AF1 was across far enough away that it was cheaper to rent jets than fly AF1 to his location?
  6. me too. actually I wish I never invited this Keith dickface to live with me.
  7. thanks to everyone for another great ride!
  8. I keep wondering if they're still watching me. I got all paranoid after it happened and I'd take the battery out of my cell phone and shit when I wasn't using it. How they got my cell phone number was interesting. The guy I've lived with for the past 4 years put me down as a personal reference for a security clearance at WPAFB. They found that, and called him to get my phone number. When I got home that day he goes, "So did you get an interesting phone call today?" "Maybe... why?" "because I did" my better judgement tells me I shouldn't say it again since the first time got me a special interview. A link is in the first post, but here it is again this is a case where I'm very glad I don't seem threatening, otherwise that interview might have be a bit different. (but don't let my meek first impressions fool you, thats just a decoy so when I bust someone up its unexpected ... okay just kidding, but I make up for it with my E-thug E-rep! ) meh, I don't care. I don't plan on doing anything crazy
  9. QFT. This is a drop in the bucket, and bringing this to the spotlight is a joke. If a plane ride is all the retards out there can find to complain about, I'm happy. Bush shits on you and your children in the worst possible ways and you have the gull to say Obama is out of line for this? Grow up and open your freaking eyes to the bigger picture. /thread.
  10. wrillo

    free air?

    I've never been turned down when asking someone to turn the air on for free. Sounds like you just ran into a bitch/dickhead
  11. I'm not sure, but I don't think there are restrictions on visitor messages like there is PMs. Just go to someone's profile and the vistor message box should be the default tab

  12. I could go on, but why? arguing politics is a never ending circle
  13. OBAMA has done everything I've wanted him to do so far, I don't expect miracles. I just want an honest guy doing his best
  14. even better! you don't have to pay those!!
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