not that anyone seems to care, but my last ticket I got was last year on my buddies bike. I was out being squidly on this large loop that goes my road, another road, and then a highway back to my road. (approx time = 12:30 at night) Anyway a cop passed me on the highway in the on coming lane, and turns around to give chase. At this time I had no idea he was behind me, so I turn on my road to head back to the house. Well he sees me turn onto my road and decided it was a good idea to turn off ALL of this lights and follow me. I get to my drive and slow to nearly a stop because my drive is gravel and about shit my pants when I heard a car skidding to a stop behind me. I looked back, see its a cop, and he lights me up in front of my house. Being the first time pulled over on a bike I didn't know what to do, (and I was scared as hell) so I just sat there. He then yells over the loud speaker to get off the bike and walk to the front of his car, then he pats me down and puts me in the back of the cruiser. When I asked him if he follows everyone without his headlights on he replied "I thought you were going to run" Now there is no doubt in my mind that I deserved the ticket, but not from that asshat. I regret not filing a complaint with the county about it (it was a deputy). So I ask again, its pretty much a given that you have to have headlights on while driving in the dark, right?