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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. theres a lien on the bike, so the owner must have been making payments. How does he not know which bank he has been sending his money to for the life of his bike loan?
  2. I got the 60 second timeout once a couple minutes ago
  3. I might have to do this, a lot less to worry about that way. I didn't know there would be space enough to do tents. Now I just need to find a tent... yeah, thanks for the offer though, its appreciated!
  4. you sir, just earned your second 'g' in my book, gregg
  5. casper, nevermind the sheep. I want less apes
  6. max, why are you searching for ape porn on ohio riders?!? and no I haven't!
  7. I was searching for a thread and ... I have no words
  8. the original sticky for this event says meet up at 10AM, head out at noon. I'd want to be staying with or at least at the same place as someone from OR going to the ride/party. So if the place you're going has an extra spot I'd be down for that. Nothing against your friends or anyone else for that matter, I just think it'd be awkward if I was like "hi thanks for the couch... peace!" That and I try to avoid stranger danger whenever possible
  9. I want to come out for the ride and the party, my only reservation is that I have no place to go! After the ride and before the party everyone is going to go home and clean/rest up for a couple hours. Thats not really an option for me, it'd take me a couple hours just to go straight home and back. Then if I go to the party I'd want to drink a little & hang around for a while. Riding home for more than an hour late at night after drinking = not my party style. So if someone had a couch, carpeted floor, or kennel to offer I may be more willing to participate. I may come out for the ride regardless, and I was kidding about the kennel.
  10. I thought it could be classified as obstruction of justice or some shit like that. Is that an absolute no or a "no, but it might depend on the cop and judge", whose had a bagel and who didn't get any last night
  11. thats why I decided to reword my cheerio post, because I was honestly laughing when I posted and I remembered you couldn't hear me laughing. It sounds like you're reasonable so you're okay in my book.
  12. Lets break it down: 1 - either they need to get there fast 2 - they can drive the speed limit like everyone else a - lights and siren b - no lights or siren So 1a and 2b are acceptable The whole point of the lights and siren are for safety of those around the cop. He acknowledges he is driving above the "safety" limit, and therefore needs to have his safety lights and siren on to warn others of this wreckless driving. SO, there should never be a case of 1b or 2a
  13. Okay I thought about the above post and thats really mean. What I should have said is: Your post comes off with the "I'll give you a ticket because I can" mentality. That type of things is what we're all complaining about. The ticket has nothing to do with being safe or protecting us and those around us.
  14. this post + your signature makes me want to pee in your cheerios
  15. no, just the cops and only their mid-section
  16. all the cool kids do, you might want to step up your game
  17. since we're limited to something like 1 cop bashing thread a month, can I also throw this out there: if speeding is so dangerous, why do LEOs routinely speed by me even when they're not in flashing strobes "I have an emergency" mode? disclaimer: I'm not a "cop hater", my brother is a cop. Most cops get an A+ in my book. The statement above is not bashing cops for speeding, but the law for being irrelevant
  18. very cool! good luck with it all!
  19. not that anyone seems to care, but my last ticket I got was last year on my buddies bike. I was out being squidly on this large loop that goes my road, another road, and then a highway back to my road. (approx time = 12:30 at night) Anyway a cop passed me on the highway in the on coming lane, and turns around to give chase. At this time I had no idea he was behind me, so I turn on my road to head back to the house. Well he sees me turn onto my road and decided it was a good idea to turn off ALL of this lights and follow me. I get to my drive and slow to nearly a stop because my drive is gravel and about shit my pants when I heard a car skidding to a stop behind me. I looked back, see its a cop, and he lights me up in front of my house. Being the first time pulled over on a bike I didn't know what to do, (and I was scared as hell) so I just sat there. He then yells over the loud speaker to get off the bike and walk to the front of his car, then he pats me down and puts me in the back of the cruiser. When I asked him if he follows everyone without his headlights on he replied "I thought you were going to run" Now there is no doubt in my mind that I deserved the ticket, but not from that asshat. I regret not filing a complaint with the county about it (it was a deputy). So I ask again, its pretty much a given that you have to have headlights on while driving in the dark, right?
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