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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. as far as I know its a one man show and his username is casper, just fyi
  2. hey, have you done a carb sync on your bike yet? do you have the tool, make one, or have someone do it for you?

  3. and practice your :wheeliezx10:skills on the highway
  4. http://matadorlife.com/photo-essay-20-of-the-freakiest-bikes-on-the-road/ They're bicycles, but thought I'd share
  5. I think the only OR protocol is "don't be a squid/noob"
  6. reimbrandt you got a follow up? what exactly did they do to fix it. btw, I was going through some of your work, http://www.art-rigs.com/Phoenixhood.html this if f'in sssick man!! I love it
  7. only reason they move a ton of bikes is because their bikes weigh so much
  8. agreed. yes, its high performance, but it cost $500,000 to put a merc emblem that big on the front of the car
  9. ^^ shit, I wonder how much a swingarm sticker with numbers in it would get me
  10. you've stuck it in swass before haven't you? thats the only reason anyone would ever say that... I agree with you, best. thing. ever.
  11. the one in Coshocton or are you going up there and not going to the cookout? the cookout is saturday, and then I was going to cinci on sunday. a whole weekend of fun! if you can only do one, then lets go to the cookout. I won't ride that far without someone, but I'll go to cinci without you
  12. thats an understatement. I think I decided I'm just going down to cinci on sunday to ride. lemme know if you're going to the cookout. I'll go to that too if you go
  13. when and where are you guys riding sunday? I'd like to come out. Let me know when & where to meet up with you

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