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Uncle Punk

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Posts posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I don't leave myself logged in automatically all the time for various reasons. When I do look at OR while not logged in the page looked differently a few weeks ago. On the right hand side there are several fields that are populated with current information about OR. One of the fields has changed and it is bugging the shit out of me. The old field was "recent topics" and all ten of the items were filled in with different threads, giving me the opportunity to see if anything interesting was being discussed. The current field is "recent posts" and all ten of the items can be from the same boring, stupid thread that has zero appeal to read any further. Participation would most likely increase if at a quick glance people could see various topics being discussed instead of a bunch of posts between two stupid people that have no interest to the outside world.

    Ask Tonik to explain it to you or I can try typing slower until you catch on.

  2. Once again Casper has broken the internet. I look at this site almost everyday but don't log in unless something interests me. Sometime in the last couple weeks instead of recent topics populating it is now recent posts. Currently all of the options are being filled by one topic that I don't give a fuck about. This shit needs fixed so I can possibly be entertained by a choice in multiple topics instead of bored to death by stupid comments in a single topic that is infinitely boring.

  3. 1 hour ago, NinjaDoc said:

    still got got the two bronze buddies? 

    I don't think he stopped riding altogether but like so many others on this board he couldn't stop his thing from making babies, you can figure out the rest.


    To address the video. Changing the road and distances will get different results using the same bikes as in the video. How you feel after you are done riding also plays into buying decisions. The goal isn't always speed, for me it's having a good time. I am one of the unlucky people that can't ride a cruiser, the damn things just kill my back. I however have no such discomfort riding a sportbike. I do get fatigued on long slow rides because of pressure created from the riding position on my wrists and shoulders. A faster ride on roads that require me to get off of the bike leaves me with little discomfort riding a sportbike.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 19 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

    I hope their current wives never see this post :trollface:

    I signed in just to rep this post.

    The doctor is serving cutthroat killer crushing smarmy midget destroying banter that isn't even in his native tongue. Don't we all feel a little dumber now?

    • Upvote 4
  5. You need to catch up, he lives in Ohio again. Just like most people that let the rug-rats consume their lives he no longer has time to organize or participate in rides. Only guest appearances from here on out.

    I don't care if he didn't ask, railroad him into something that he doesn't have time for I say. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Casper said:

    Seems to be some anger/butthurtedness over why these five were picked. Let me break it down for you:


    DerekClouser - takes a lot of time to setup the Epic ride for everyone to enjoy, apparently has a hot girlfriend/fiancé

    CMH_Sprint - old and wise, like the Winnie the Pooh owl

    TimTheAzn - quota

    Jbot - asshole but cute like a panda

    2TallTim - in the clique


    If you're angry about not being picked, relax. This was more of a joke that got carried away anyways. I think the only person that didn't get a +1 from a mod was Midget, and that's mainly because of Jello incidents and his lack of ability to learn how to use the new software.  :lol: 

    That said, if you legitimately want to be a mod and either didn't make the list or didn't speak up in the nomination thread, shoot me a PM. 

    Using some of that criteria I think @NinjaDoc should be on the list too. He also fits the overwhelming oriental demographic.

    Plus @DerekClouser will make that pretty girl drive for hours by herself just to save $10 that he was going to have to spend anyway.


    • Upvote 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, max power said:

    lol RIDDLE!!!!


    I was told some unknown PR was on here causing trouble. Then got his dumbass banned. Now it looks like I don't know who UP is. And Ben won't make me a supporter.  Ghey. 

    This over moderating has got to stop. Making threads read out of context, not in real time is stupid. Why don't you over moderators just lock this thread again and continue to post in it by yourselves. I promise to continue reading an envy all of your powers while reading.

    • Upvote 1
  8. That prior post was my first post from a phone. I don't like doing that at all. This may have to wait until I get back to work next Monday. Unless one of you guys can force me to reply.

    If I'm getting close to a ban make it for the next week. See this over moderating job is easy.

    • Upvote 2
  9. I was working on it. Was well set up for it but it never got to play out.

    It appears that I got here after the aggravation began, I was only signed in one day from a long layoff. This site has been over moderated before it will survive this current assault.

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