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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Not sure who this is directed at but I'll bite. The free market is having a discussion about a business that just fucked up and is about to lose more business than they are going to make from their decision. The topic is not Kel-Tec or your estimation of their value. If you wish to have some input about that which is a legitimate topic feel free to start one in its own thread.
  2. So much fail in this that I expect it will be impossible to repel all the stupid. Beachfront houses are a finite, production firearms from Kel-Tec are not. Only an idiot would expect Kel-Tec to quit making these but if so the back handed move would have been justified with very little fall out. (If that was Kel-Tec's intent they would have been priced way differently. I can assure you this first product release did not cover their development cost.) A reasonable man is expecting that Kel-Tec is going to produce as many of these as the market will consume. There are multitudes of ways they could have handled this but chose the worst possible one for future business. Woodbury’s is not the only retailer for these so they aren't finite; they have been very short sighted in not honoring a standing commitment. If you think others would be so ignorant to have done the same thing then I am certain you don't know too many successful business owners.
  3. You know that because you ride a 250
  4. 1911 is a very good target platform but they are probably the worst carry platform ever conceived. Plus they mostly use the useless 45 round.
  5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204632204577133041141039110.html
  6. I really didn't believe him either and was being sarcastic. I have since verified it and am now very wrong. It sucks getting older; I can't keep up with you kids.
  7. I did not know that. http://glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1391397
  8. No shit I'd be happy with that from any handgun and wouldn't suggest that I could do better but what I'm using wouldn't make much of a difference at that distance. I could probably shoot a better group at that distance with a nice target 1911 than with a G26 but I would never carry a piece of shit 1911.
  9. Are you making the statement that you couldn't shoot that well with any other handgun? This makes no statement toward the XDs dependability. I'm sure a nice target 1911 could do the same but they are an absolutely shitty carry platform.
  10. I will be at the Shot show in a couple of weeks Todd. I have been trying to get you to hold off on this based on a few issues that I hope to verify then.
  11. I own four of the top nine and agree with the ratings, almost. My brother has the one I had from way down the list for a HD gun. The G26 should move below the G34 if they would have used the standard capacity of the G26 which is 10 rounds not 12. They used the standard capacity for the other Glocks so I don't know why they made the change in the G26s case except to show some Glock bias. I hate the way a Glock feels in my hand but I don't shoot any other platform as well so I can forgive its awkwardness.
  12. You lead such an interesting life. You should have confused the criminal by not understanding English or whatever it was speaking.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvxNgdFeWqM
  14. I do not understand? We can say almost anything we want around here can't we?
  15. I am offended by your offense. I intend to keep reading this thread no matter how much I don't like the subject matter and if you don't curb your behavior I will do everything I can to get you to comply to my senses about appropriate internet topics. Not reading political threads is not an option you not putting them right in my face and hiding them is how it's supposed to work around here. Get with the program or I will ask management to sanction you.
  16. I propose this thread get moved to the unseen politics category. No one wants this on the front page per management’s actions. You guys need to stop talking politics or I'm complaining.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC8VdsgZQvI
  18. I have been there in late December/early January. Cherahola wasn't passable unless you had four wheel drive, lots of snow and single lane for the most part. The rest of the area had really dirty roads. (Tree branches, gravel, leaves etc...) The road surface is cold and not enough traffic to support you if you are riding around by yourself and something goes wrong. I wouldn't go if it were me, you might be different. I wouldn't feel comfortable riding at a brisk pace in those conditions so I wouldn't put the effort in to go that far to ride in less than optimal conditions. Just stay at home and ride around if we get a day in the 40s.
  19. You don't want to donate or get involved? You sir are part of the problem.
  20. How do I unsubscribe from the politics forum. I'm tired of seeing all of these R.P. threads on my front page.
  21. Tod, What a year it has been. We all know Ohio lost 400,000 jobs over the past four years, but that has changed in 2011. Since our administration took office, we have eliminated an $8 billion dollar structural deficit, killed the Death Tax, improved our S&P Outlook and taken many other steps to making Ohio a job friendly state once again. But, we need your continued support to continue to achieve our goals. Ohio law allows for a dollar-for-dollar tax reduction of up to $50 for an individual and up to $100 for married couples filing jointly for making a contribution to a candidate for state office. There is still time to make a contribution this year and claim your tax reduction on your 2011 Ohio tax form. Ohio is by no means fixed, but there is no doubt people around the country know we are once again open for business. Whether it's, Ford, Wendy's, Chrysler, Republic Steel or many more recent announcements, Ohio is becoming a place where people want to create jobs. Please consider making a financial contribution before the end of the year so you can claim your tax reduction on your 2011 Ohio tax return. I can't thank you enough for all of your support, Ohioans are benefitting because of it. Sincerely, John John Kasich Governor of Ohio P.S. You can click here to watch a short video to learn more about how we’re working with businesses to create jobs.
  22. Michigan Sucks! Shut the fuck up and go back into hiding! This thread is for white guys from Ohio, it's not for black homers from Michigan. Michigan Sucks!
  23. Good idea to hide the politics, why don't you hide the firearms section as well? This will take the special off-topic sections completely out of view for those that are too stupid to figure out that what they are reading isn't riding related. Given enough complaints from the weak minded we can get this place completely white washed from anything entertaining during the off season. I appreciate you making the decision for me to not have to look into a political thread. Without you helping me from myself I might get all Libertarian or something by reading into political threads. I find this kind of ironic coming from a R.P. supporter. I guess it’s easier to talk the talk than it is to walk the walk.
  24. Tod, 58,396 - That’s how many jobs we’ve created this year or saved from going to other states or disappearing altogether. That is over 58,000 stronger Ohio families. We’re beginning to see real momentum in our efforts to fix our great state. The Plain Dealer noted, “In that light, the Kasich administration seems to have done a good job in its first 11 months of being aggressive when it needed to be — economic development professionals say they are impressed with the new speed of decision-making — and of demanding solid, early returns on public investment.” Read more here. Also recently in the Dispatch, “The recent good news confirms that Ohio’s manufacturing infrastructure and its strong work force are attractive to companies looking to expand. The Dispatch hopes to see state officials continue to build on those assets with strategic incentives and smart salesmanship.” Read more here. Please stay active and share your ideas with us. Together, we are bringing jobs back, fixing our schools and saving our great state. Sincerely, John John Kasich Governor of Ohio P.S. You can click here to watch a short video to learn more about how we’re working with businesses to create jobs.
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