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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. That's cool as hell, you know our friend from N. Ridgeville recently bought two G19s, a his and her matching set.
  2. Let's not infract him why don't we kick his ass!
  3. Tod, I was in Toledo yesterday to join Chrysler in announcing the creation of 1,100 new jobs. Afterwards, I visited Republic Steel in Lorain for another announcement of 449 new jobs. Ohio is beginning to win again, but we've got more work to do. Since I was sworn in as governor in January, we have created or saved over 42,000 jobs. That’s 42,000 stronger families and together we can all be proud about this news. But we must keep up the momentum and we need your help to get the word out about these victories. Please forward this email to 5 friends or family and let them know that Ohio is on the road to recovery. Thanks for all that you’re doing. John John Kasich Governor of Ohio
  4. http://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/rifles/sub-2000/
  5. Now that is funny and just goes to show that better equipment with bigger horsepower doesn't mean anything if you can't ride especially if your goal is to outride someone.
  6. A choice select few were saved, many more lost on the deal but weren't the chosen ones.
  7. He expects to be done with it by the first of the year. (We'll see if it happens that quickly.) http://www.budspolicesupply.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/4_8/products_id/61 http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category4_750001_750051_757803_-1_757797_757797_image $350 for it after rebate with a buddy's free FFL transfer. Score one for me. Thanks Tpoppa!
  8. I think I paid $320 for it with taxes from B&T in Lorain. Bullseye in Grafton had one last week but didn't look at price. I haven't spent a whole lot of time with it but it's not going anywhere if that helps. I brought a new handgun home to add to the collection tonight, I feel so dirty.
  9. Oh you little fucker, skippy is keeping me from repping you though.
  10. Don't forget the G34 to complete the ensemble, the gen 4 is out now. I love my G34, easily my favorite.
  11. You certainly are a flirty little bitch, who just can't make up her mind. What do you like about the gen 4 that you aren't getting out of the gen 1?
  12. If you already had a G26 why did you buy a G19. It's okay to own them all but why are you considering getting rid of the G19?
  13. I personally shoot both about the same but can't seem to conceal the G26 as well, I also get pinched by the magazines. The pinch doesn't matter too much for a self defense gun but it's annoying enough to make me not care for it. The shorter barrel length allows the butt to rotate around the belt too much. Giving up the capacity between the two makes it a no brainer for me. YMMV
  14. Have you shot one? Have you tried to conceal one? 11 rounds vs 16 rounds, let me think.....
  15. I use whatever source Justin posts and then take the opposite position, turns out to be the correct stand 99.99% of the time.
  16. I'm sure that CBS missed the memo that when they put together the format for a political debate that they needed to give everyone equal time. What authority over that business is in place to make sure they don't do that again? So you R.P. supporters changed your minds because he didn't get enough time and you can't support someone you don't know enough about?
  17. Who says we didn't have fun on the ride home? I gave Justin a ride home and his cab fare payment made the night memorable!
  18. Is that what you think or what you wish to be true? From where did you get this notion? Why would you think that a business is supposed to be unbiased, it is ran by people who are most definitely biased. It's not a government run propaganda machine and has no obligation to give you what you want. It would go out of business very quickly if it didn't present the majority of likely viewers with a product that they wanted to see. I would be willing to bet they have researched who is a viable entertainment package for them to sell and that crazy anti military un-American isn't on the chart in that venue.
  19. Are you thinking of getting rid of a G19?
  20. I don't see why it's so awful; it's their venue and format why shouldn't they be able to sell their entertainment how they chose? Consumers and sponsors can change the product by demands but R.P. supporters must be in the minority or they would change the system. It’s not supposed to be fair it’s an entertainment business that wants’ to appeal to the largest audience possible to maximize revenue.
  21. I understand your admiration for the Mossberg especially coming from actual use however I believe the Corps has used the 870 as a duty weapon just as much as the Mossberg. I was schooled on the 870 and it was the duty shotgun when I was in. I can't find any real good info on when each were the particular duty issue weapon though. I own both. Military usage of a platform isn't always a great indicator of a superior weapons platform. I was issued a piece of shit 1911, used it as my duty weapon and wouldn't own one for a defensive weapon. When its design and purchase by committee compromises are sometimes made.
  22. I could store this for you if you have to move before it sells. I'll even fire it up and run it for you once in a while to make sure everything is in working order.
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