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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Long haired, dope smoking, pinko commie?
  2. An American sport bike only company will never be bigger than an American cruiser company. Not gonna happen.
  3. WTF, one other guy and me! The rest of you guys are a bunch of commies.
  4. I love the dancing with the stars promo that states Palin can see the trophy from her house.
  5. I love being surrounded; at least I know where all the white womens is at.
  6. You absolutely can, healthcare is a huge part of our economy and most certainly is a business. Government intervention is why insurance prices are not affordable to most people. When you have to give care away to people who don't value their health enough to put money aside to pay for it the insurance companies and care providers are forced to pass the cost on to those who know and understand that healthcare is worth a large portion of their income. Just like housing and transportation which are not an entitlement yet. Not only that but the government reimbursement rate is terrible and the least profitable of all forms of reimbursement even among the uninsured.
  7. This ties into the other current Harley thread. It doesn't matter how hard of a worker or how innovative he is I suspect failure in the future. Harley has been bailed out twice and couldn't survive without its accessory sales. Harley is involved in sales of the most popular type of road motorcycle there is and failure looks like it might be looming for them again. A single line of motorcycle sales of just sport street bikes is a hard business model to keep afloat with very few success stories, even the existing ones that appear to be making it are in trouble right now. If the big four Japanese companies didn't have other business ventures to keep their road bike business afloat they would have be out of business a long time ago.
  8. You think these two issues are false? All doctors won't be fleeing medicine but less will be joining and many will opt out to form boutique care facilities. The level of care will not be as competent or at least the access to it will be hindered by additional government red tape. All pharmaceutical R&D will not be ceasing but when profits are capped by government intervention how many revolutionary hits are made to offset the pedestrian drugs will be diminished. If you think otherwise you must not understand the reason companies are in business.
  9. I hate that hot goofy bitch and will not be voting for her in a primary. (I couldn't anyway because I'm registered independent.). If she gets the nomination of her party I will have to vote for her though. Not because I think she is a leader but because I think she will do her parties bidding and that party line fits my views more closely than the opposition. There hasn't been a leader elected since Reagan, plenty party hacks but no leaders. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2009/03/progressive_quiz.html I score an 87 on this quiz so I think the Tea Party is a bunch of lefties. The wording on some of these questions is terrible but scoring all 0's or all 10's on all questions give you a middle of the road score so it does have some ring of truth to it. I wish they would have put illegal immigration in the question as an example.
  10. I don't see that as a big deal too bad the officers are being charged. I have seen abuse and will call it when I see it but this doesn't seem like it rises to that description. He took a few whacks for being stupid and is able to walk away from it. I didn't look into the story deeper but wouldn't expect his injuries to be long lasting. The worst ass beating I ever took in my life was at the hands of the Cleveland Police Department at the old stadium, for far less than what this guy did and I was beat by more officers for a longer period of time. I was acting like a drunken idiot and needed to be put in my place. No one got into any trouble over it, they held me until I sobered up then sent me on my way bruised up, much more polite and I didn't consider trying to sue anyone over it.
  11. I hit the big red button but way after the fact, I had no clue I was approaching danger until I was nailed to the machine. I was able to get the control panel rotated so I could try to give it some commands but nothing worked because the arm hadn’t completed its function so it kept throwing error codes. I turned the drivers on and off several times trying different scenarios but nothing worked. In fact like a dumbass I had the drivers on when the guys came over to help me. They were trying to pry the arm away from the tool holder to get my finger loose but the tool would spin, it would give me some relief until then but it wasn't enough to get my finger out plus it would reapply pressure, fuck that hurt. When we decided to unbolt the arm is when I got scared of what might happen to all of us inside the machine with the motor still running and removing bolts while it was still under power. Damn I made a lot of mistakes that day and thankfully nothing worse happened.
  12. No surgery, the bones were close enough together to keep them from needing to go in and pin things. The follow up x-rays showed both knuckles are broken. I have to keep in immobile for six weeks so only scooter riding for me because I can't get gloves on. I have thought better of a different bike. The cheapest new 600 will cost me $6,900 plus tax and I only paid $6,500 for my 1K. It doesn't make much sense to sell now only to buy again in the spring. Must have been the drugs talking. I have been involved in the machining industry for over 25 years and for the first 15 I would have recommended you get into the profession but not today. If it weren’t for a little side business that my brother and I own, I doubt that I would have survived financially the past two years. You're welcome. Criticize all you want it was a stupid dumbfuck decision for me to put my hand in harms way like I did. I build, design and repair plastic injection molds so I hate production machining. I was on the last block of a multi-cavity job, there were a total of twenty-two blocks that were all slightly different and I set up programmed and cut each of them twice so I was pretty bored with the whole routine by the last block. The programs all ran different lengths of time and the machine would sit sometimes for a few hours before a block was changed or another program was ran. If the program ended at 4:00 AM it would sit until I got in the next morning but if it would stop at midnight I would run in (6 miles.) set up and start another block cutting. This last block I just happened to be sitting at the machine waiting for the block before it to finish because I had a lot of things to get done after the last block got set up and running, which was going to be for 4:30 plus or minus a few. The last cutter in the last program that ran cut for an hour at 24,000 RPM, even though we have a chiller on the spindle it still retains some heat. The first tool in the next program I was going to run ran at 4,000 RPM and all the tools are set after they have been heat soaked at the RPM they run at so I was concerned the first tool on the next program would cut deep because of the expansion from the heat still in the spindle from the last cutter. I decided it would be a good idea to call up another tool that wasn’t going to be used for a while to transfer some heat to it from the spindle. I made the tool change command, executed it and decided to see just how much heat the last tool that was cutting had in it to see how good of an idea I had trying to transfer some of that heat out so I reached up to touch the tool. WHAM, holy fucking shit I’m nailed to the tool by the tool changing arm. Poor decision. I was thinking so far ahead about what I needed to get done that I forgot to look back. The machine has a 24 pot tool carousel that was about half full of different tools, when you make a tool change the carousel rotates to each tool holder, pauses then goes on to the next one until the tool you call for comes up to the position to drop down for the arm to grab it and change it with the one in the spindle. I called up the last cutter that was used so the carousel didn’t rotate and pause like it would have if I would have called for any other tool. The tool dropped down and the arm started to make the tool change with my finger in its way. I don’t know how I could have gotten my finger in the way so quickly looking back at how fast this all took place. I will be fine in time and will see a lot of you guys at the motorcycle show this winter.
  13. I am insured and running this through worker comp but our squads are volunteer and would have taken too long. The guys I called rent the other half of our building plus they weren't going to destroy the machine getting me out. I still need to use it to get this job out on time. I am done working in the shop for a while though which is no big deal right now I need to design our next job so I will be on the computer for a while.
  14. Long story but Todd had it right I had it where it wasn’t supposed to be. I got it caught in a tool changer on a machining center. The damn thing had me trapped for a while before I remembered I had my cell phone with me. The guys I called to help get me out of the machine did a great job and are still picking steel chips out of their bodies. We tried to pry my finger loose but when the pry bar slipped the tool changer arm would clamp down on my finger again. We finally had to take the machine apart to get me free of it after I had to tell them where to find the tools in my shop to take it apart. Damn it seemed like it took forever.
  15. Uncle Punk


    I smashed my finger at work Friday and it looks like I might be done riding the rest of this season. I haven't rode since August 31st anyway and am thinking of letting my bike go to get another one in the spring. I find out Wednesday if I need surgery, since the bones are in about a dozen pieces. could be the drugs talking.
  16. I would like to make it out for this; I know one of the guys competing. Thankfully I need to work because I'm too poor to get a trials bike right now. I love those bikes; they are the first bikes I rode by myself on. I got my love for bikes riding a trials bike and think it's a great way to learn bike control because you aren't trying to kill yourself like you do on them damn MX bikes.
  17. That's because I'm a bad ass mother fucker, I think that will be my new name. Justin, I went by your house last night on the scooter and beeped at you. What are you driving now?
  18. This reflects my own observations as well. I have put on thousands of miles solo and in groups and have yet to see an accident that wasn't the riders fault. (At least all that I can remember.) The accidents caused by automobiles are usually deadly so they tend to leave a bigger impression. I rode a cruiser for three years without a helmet and I currently ride a scooter without one, I always wear one on the sport bike when I go south to have some fun. I have weighed the risks vs. the rewards involving what I can control and I am okay with my decisions. I like to ride and can kind of relate the gear issue to a concealed carry issue in that carrying a full size firearm is a pain in the ass so we compromise and carry a sub-compact so we at least have some firearm on us. My ride to work is only six miles and it takes me about nine minutes to complete. If I geared up in boots, over pants, jacket, gloves and a helmet plus having to take them all off again when I get to the shop I have doubled my time spent in my commute. Instead I get on the scooter with sunglasses and ride within the speed limits on roads I am familiar with. I know the risks involved and am okay with them, at least I get to ride and scooters are a blast, don't judge me.
  19. I have the fastest 150cc scooter from my house to work. No other scooters will challenge me on my commute because they all respect my authority.
  20. I copied & pasted from a PDF that didn't have the lines numbered, somehow when I pasted the info line numbers appeared. I edited them out but you were lurking too quickly and read it before my edit. I will be in N.C. on the coast later in the month being tortured by having to stay in a beach house for four days. I would rather be at Deal Gap if I'm going to take the time off from working but it's a family event so I'm going. I plan to take the scooter to give myself some form of entertainment because I can get it there without a trailer so I started looking up N.C. helmet laws because I don't usually wear one when riding the scooter. I knew N.C. had a helmet law because I have been to the gap several times but thought I would look up the laws for any changes that might have taken place since my last visit along with concealed carry laws. The information I posted two posts back came from N.C. DMV.
  21. NORTH CAROLINA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FACTS Motorcycles represent about 2 percent of all registered vehicles in NC, but account for about 10 percent of all fatalities on our roads. As of Sept 1st of 2007, 63 % of all crashes involving motorcycles were single vehicle crashes (motorcycle only). Of those crashes involving other vehicles, over half (53%) were the fault of the motorcyclist. Of those motorcyclist at fault crashes 81% occurred when the rider crossed the centerline either while passing another vehicle or while negotiating a curve. Of those other vehicle at fault crashes 57% were failure to yield right of way at an intersection and 43% were turning left across the motorcycles path. The majority (82.7%) of motorcycle fatal crashes occurred because of the fault of the motorcyclist.
  22. This is a poor standard as minimum criteria for a law. Thousands of people are killed in motor vehicle accidents every year; I doubt you wish to have everyone’s transportation away. Even though society as a whole knows the danger involved with transportation the rewards outweigh the risks just like those who choose to ride without a helmet they can justify their risks.
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