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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Who you want as Governor or who you voted for?
  2. So you want a firearm regardless of crime rates going up or down. I wouldn't use those statistics anymore if you are going to change your argument no matter which way the trend is. An armed society is a polite society is a load of bunk. A polite society is a polite society. More guns do not keep people under control, see my argument earlier. We have armed conflicts which by that standard shouldn't happen because everyone has firepower. Evil intentions are going to be served no matter the obstacles. You getting a license hasn't made you safer and it has not made me safer from you. It is a false sense of security that has made little to no difference in crimes related to handguns except to make a new category of licensed handgun crime.
  3. I stated that I wasn't advocating banning firearms. Something tells me that you gun nuts would have not cared if the trend in crime rates had gone up, you still would have wanted to keep your license. Tying your argument to those statistics means you are willing to give them up if the trends in crime rates rise. Are you guys willing to give up your license if the trends don't support your reasoning?
  4. The point of a LCCH is to do what? Make sure people don't do stupid stuff with guns, generate revenue, add more guns the street? How has a licensing system improved anything pertaining to gun related deaths?
  5. You already know the answer to that based on your actions at the time. It doesn't matter what we think and you did the right thing. A person in the position of authority shouldn't step outside of those positions standing to take advantage of the relationship in other areas. That is why teachers shouldn't date students among other abuses of authority with different professions. There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed and most people who are good at what they do don’t cross them.
  6. You guys are arguing the wrong argument. I'm not saying to ban guns; I'm saying a license system to carry them is a bad idea. It doesn't insure anything is safer just like a vehicle license doesn't make the roads safer nor make driver obey all traffic laws. If you are going to die from an unnatural cause chances are it will be at the hands of someone who is licensed to drive.
  7. I'm saying adding more guns into a social environment doesn't equal less deaths nor does it make those inclined to cause harm more polite. Maybe in a world that makes sense to your values it does but the theory has many flaws when trying to apply it to the real world. Giving people a license only makes them bold in their behavior and gives them no more self control or skilled than the next guy. Most here have a driver’s license and everyone I have ridden with disobeys the laws when riding. Giving them a license made no difference in their behavior.
  8. Your polite society theory doesn't play out in the real world. Every other gang banger has a firearm and yet seems to have no fear of being shot by others. Your scenario works for you but not for most people that mean to cause harm. There are too many firearms and adding more to the mix won't mean less deaths.
  9. Quit trying to make trouble So this just proves you have numbers to show that things don't change much when you give people a license to carry. Gun deaths are still at an acceptable level? Is that what you mean?
  10. So innocent people need to die before the bad people are finally killed off? This proves that an armed society is NOT a polite society if you expect more killings the more people are armed. We need to stop these senseless killings and giving people a license hasn't slowed things down.
  11. And your model for this statement is what? Maybe the inner city where there are thousands of guns and people are killing each other at an alarming rate. Let’s take a few semis full of guns into every city, drop them off so everyone will have one that should slow down the killings.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/user/VPCvideos http://www.vpc.org/press/1010ccw.htm http://www.vpc.org/ccwkillers.htm This shit needs to stop, it's getting way out of hand, I don't know who to trust!
  13. What type of failures are you guys talking about? Again, I know of no tire failures. Do you know of failures or are you imagining they happen? I'm not saying they can't happen but saying so on the internet without any knowledge of failures doesn't support your position very well. I have actual experience with plugged tires without any failures so I have a basis for my use of them. I couldn’t come up with any logic that would keep me from starting to use them or any knowledge of failures from the use of them so I use them. Have any of you guys had any failures or do you know anyone who has? If what causes a flat makes a tire fail beyond losing air I would like to know about it. Doesn't a nail compromise a tire just as much as a plug? In that case what else happens beyond losing air?
  14. I mitigate the risk by carrying tire plugs with me so I don't have to trailer. I have never had a tire failure nor do I know of anyone having one, maybe I don't push my tires as much as others when riding but there is no evidence to make me feel like I am taking an extra risk.
  15. Speculating a failure and knowing of failures are not the same, I know of no accidents caused by a plugged tire. I use them and tend to ride at a "spirited" pace. If a tire losing air causes you to wreck, why doesn't the hole that made you use the plug wreck you? If you worry about losing 50% of your tires when riding, why ride at all, it could happen at any time.
  16. I have plugged every bike tire that needed it; can someone tell me why you wouldn't? I can't figure the logic behind not using a plugged tire. I have never heard of anyone having a problem with one on a bike or car. What am I missing?
  17. Uncle Punk


    About .8 from 78, blind left after a long, long straight. We were not slowing down to normal group pace for the straights so braking into corners was happening, something not normal to group rides. What little bit he was behind I'm sure he was making up for it by letting the big 14 do its work. I would imagine he was heading into the corner faster than all of us and it stayed blind longer than he expected so he went to 1st gear and let the clutch out. He slipped the rear, low sided, the bike went under the guardrail and he luckily went over the guardrail down the bank. This is why the bike had damage on both sides.
  18. Uncle Punk


    I told you guys I had some demons to exercise. I had a good time and really needed a relaxing day. Everyone knew where they were and everyone is a good rider so it was okay to ride without being concerned for the group. The guy who went down could ride too he just got caught up with a newer bike that didn't have a slipper clutch and skipped into a corner. That will happen when you have too many bikes to choose from. I made it home earlier than anticipated because I used normal group ride timing. Don't get me wrong I like group rides because I benefited from them but after not riding for three months I wanted to see if I still could ride. My finger says don't do that again though.
  19. Uncle Punk


    Thanks for riding with me guys; it was nice of you guys to change your route to accommodate me. I like having support around if things go bad but didn't want to do a group ride thing. Today was just riding with your buddies any way you want to not by group rules. I hope that guy is okay that's what he gets for riding a Kawi to an all Honda ride. He even has a Honda 1K. Gotta go eat see ya later.
  20. Uncle Punk


    I just looked up the weather for the morning and the temperature for when I need to leave to make it to Millersburg by 10:00 AM will be between 35 & 38. Fuck that, my labia will freeze. I'm out for a group ride that early. I might leave about 11:00 AM, ride for three hours to where ever that takes me and head back home from there.
  21. Uncle Punk


    So is this going to be four Honda CBR1000s? Cool
  22. Uncle Punk


    Someone make a route and make sure I get home by dark. I will ride to the river by myself (If I can.) if you guys don't get organized. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=S+Washington+St&daddr=OH-78+W%2FOH-83+N+to:OH-78+E%2FWoodsfield+Rd+to:OH-26+N%2FOH-260+N+to:2nd+St&hl=en&geocode=Fd1_agIdQgse-w%3BFfzLXQIdsvog-w%3BFZ66XgIdShwm-w%3BFXezWwIdI-oo-w%3BFQwPWwIdeg8r-w&mra=ls&sll=40.418185,-81.54433&sspn=3.245234,7.113647&ie=UTF8&z=9
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