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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. It certainly isn't me or anyone else from my area.
  2. I rode the bike for three or four miles after the accident and it was fine. Buy that bike back or I will.
  3. You broke four ribs? WTF, then you rode home 140 miles and didn't tell any of us you were hurt that badly. You have put on another 600 miles with the broken ribs? What's wrong with you boy? If you don't want that bike let me know I will take it, cover your deductable and put some money in your pocket.
  4. I have bought back a bike from State Farm that I totaled and had no issues. Did they total your bike from the get off you had riding with us? That would be a perfect bike to buy back. Where was all the hidden damage? I thought it rode fine after the offroad trip.
  5. If you are going with the trailer restraint you can forget about the wheel chock because it won't be needed at all. I would probably put another plate on the underside of the truck bed, it might be a bit overkill but worth the extra piece of mind. I buy the extra pins for buddy’s bikes I'm going to haul because for me it’s worth not having their bikes fall into my bike or into the trailer, the $80 is cheap if you compare it to a deductable for cracked up plastics from a trailer accident.
  6. Don't they have internet in Pittsburgh? Good luck in school and don't forget your boots, you can wear them along with a mustache at Halloween so you will have a complete gigolo costume.
  7. She's an evil bitch, be careful and have fun. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=29234
  8. I think I missed your point here, are you saying that when he defends a constitutional right for someone to be free to exercise that right he is being liberal and traitorous? Oh, I get it, you're saying that the people who claim to be conservative around here don't have any real conviction behind their beliefs when their idealism gets challenged by something that they don't like but doesn't violate what they claim to be a core value. Don't let me put words in your mouth though.
  9. Everyone in the state who has their LCCH should spend time there because it does have a wealth of information. Not much for intelligent discussion but factual information is there to be had. I understand they have a structure that feeds their agenda quite well but the forums section really doesn't have much to offer for entertainment. The best free open discussions I have found about firearms and their related laws have been on motorcycle forums. The OFCC site is not unique in being heavily modded for a firearms related site, I haven't made it across one yet that wasn't too modded for my taste.
  10. Fixed some of them for you. What kind of mamby pamby PC bullshit is this drivel?
  11. I get on that site about once a month to look around but I never registered. They don't seem to value any debate so it just ends up sounding like a great big pat on the back cheerleading session. Great for the sites agenda but too white bread for anyone who likes to have their views challenged and posses the ability to defend a stance, plus they like to stay on topic way too much for my taste. I have also noticed a lot of self proclaimed experts who sound like idiots just repeating what they have read on the internet without any real world experience. Which is alright and it is what makes the internet interesting but the mods don't allow these people to be challenged so it's a pretty boring site.
  12. I was linked to this thread from the OFCC site. Those guys can eat their hearts out because this site has way less mod interference than theirs. This thread could have never taken place over there because someone would have shut it down.
  13. I didn't know we were buying MJ with tax money, what program is that? I need to find a program that will help me get back into track riding; I have heard it's like a drug.
  14. Okay, finding a virgin might be a hard task to accomplish around here, I could go for anything a decade younger, which could still be older than the mean.
  15. I need to make this perfectly clear before some of the noobs start to offer themselves up, FEMALES ONLY!
  16. Age does have its privileges; you guys need to step it up with bringing me the virgin sacrifices though, or I will be forced to put a whammy on you.
  17. As one of the senior members here I think the poll is fucking stupid and it makes me feel bad.
  18. I'm not sure I understand this statement. I'm not taking away a few inches for anyone, my pony is a full size ride.
  19. Sorry about not answering Adam, you should have left a message especially when it was that important, I would have been glad to help in any way possible. I had a friend from high school staying with me and we were talking with some other friends when you called because it was a reunion weekend. Udell did text me some time later & I offered to go get her & the bike with my trailer. I hope this doesn't discourage her, she seemed like she wanted to learn how to ride. 90 MPH passing cars, up blind hills, doing wheelies......... that sounds just like that bunch, bad news all of them. You should have asked me about riding with them I would have told you to stay away, no good could come of it.
  20. Your price point seems unrealistic based on your labor especially if you are going to hand lay the job. The material may be cheap but warehousing and processing it will add to the cost at an unknown factor since you don't know what process will be needed to make things work. Not that it couldn't be done but how green is it if you have to shred or grind it plus add an additional chemical to make it process. Let's assume the materials are free and you are going to make six different body panels per bike by hand. How much time do you think you would have involved in that process? How much is your labor worth per hour? Now store your inventory and make sure to pay the tax man. At $600 a set you aren't making money, plus we haven’t addressed the environmental issues with controlling the fumes from your process and depending on how legal you want to be in the manufacturing process adhering to the E.P.A. guidelines is expensive. You have really gotten away from being green if you factor in all the manufacturing process adds to the project.
  21. First impression is, yes this is crazy but more information is needed to verify that assumption. Are you trying to make fiberglass motorcycle body panels to compete with racing plastics or imported knock off plastic panels? What price point are you trying to get to and what are your anticipated volumes? How much start up money are you willing to risk to bring a product to market? I have knowledge of tooling, injection molding, compression molding and bringing products to market. The answers to the questions above will help point you in the most appropriate direction.
  22. http://www.jcwhitney.com/motorcycle/luggage-saddlebags-and-racks/c14523j3s18.jcwx
  23. Aren't you tired from last weekend? I just went to look at the youtube videos and now I know why you can ride a street bike so well. I always wanted to try dirt track riding do you still have any bikes for it?
  24. No, no, mean... mean as a rattle snake.
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