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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I work 7am to 7 pm most of this week LOL! Maybe next Sunday.
  2. Wonder how much stuff I can pack on the triple? there a place to dump off our stuff for the ride? Does anyone camp on Sat to Sunday?
  3. One day i hope to do a ride out west. Maybe when i retire or hit the lottery.
  4. Needs more duct tape to look right. LOL!
  5. Looks pretty good. I think the sub frame would look better with the same color as the frame. But other wise very cool. What are you using for a exhaust hanger?
  6. I have to work that weekend but am off sunday and monday. If i am on day shift saturday might try to make it down after work.
  7. Stuck at work tonight. I might light a fire when i get home though.
  8. ^^Again with the non head shot? What kind of sick wacko bites a dogs ear off? I bet that dog did way more damage to him though..
  9. Good eye there Paul. It does look way to low. Stupid 12 hour days melting my mind.
  10. I get crap from the harley guys when I ride my triumph? The duc is nice about the same power wise as the bonnie I think. Two very different bikes though. If it were me I would pick the Duc unless you are not looking for sporting prowess.
  11. Not bad on the price for what looks like a clean bike. This your bike Justin?
  12. Whats wrong with these cops a taser? Double tap head shot done. Lol
  13. LOL! what ever I need to take some here in cleveland.
  14. Riding? whats that? I been so swamped with work I have not ridden in weeks but one time. Besides it's to freaking hot to ride right now. I might start riding again next week when its back in the 70's.
  15. Nice trade i liked those, with a set of hard bags they make good sport tour rides.
  16. We use the same fr uniforms at my work. They are not gonna really give any more protection from abrasion. They are just a tighter weaved cotton that will not let the fire spread as quickly as normal cotton. They also are hot and don't breath very well. But if your bike were to burst into flames it would be better then jeans..
  17. Yeah wish i would of spent the extra for a better builder.
  18. If it is a ryan home think twice about buying it, ask me how I know.
  19. Made it down friday with the family. Pretty neat the kids had a ball. But damn was it hot pulling the little ones around in a wagon..
  20. I ride that way daily if it came off anywhere after deadmans curve. I will keep and eye open.
  21. Just pulled in from cedar pointe. Been there since 10am. I am cooked lobster red lol!
  22. I disagree mags i think you are at a greater risk riding during the morning and evening commute then you are at night. I don't even ride my bike to work anymore on day shift due to the asshats on the freeway in downtown.
  23. I like when the harley/squid type riders say they dont wear one cause they cant see or hear as well with one on and it makes them feel less safe.LOL!
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