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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. From what he said he had 2 shotguns. So I still have a chance at getting 1/2 of the guns? LOL watch out bowdog LOL!
  2. Well that doesn't look very secure? whats to stop a angry soccer mom at mcdonalds from coming up and taking your gun away from you?
  3. The .380 also had problems with a roll pin. Heard that was one of the problems with some of the jamming. I was going to buy one but after all the negative press didn't. Thats why they are so hard to find right now they pulled some back to be fixed and it slowed the out put of them getting into shops. (this is all info I have heard from Fin and B&T)
  4. Thats the second time that a open carry holster has been mentioned in this thread. Can someone post a link to one of these as I am confused as to what they are ??
  5. Nice I like the satin black finish.
  6. So you picked up both shotguns bowdog?
  7. Winter time I use a don hume jit owb holster on a spectre nylon belt for my xd. I still need to get a better iwb for my lc9 for summer time.
  8. I own an old stick welder generator but the few times I have used it, it worked.
  9. I just pooped to and it smelled better then my kids puke I been cleaning up all night. fml...
  10. Yep baby food she says it works better then ex lax? And yeah I have a puke bucket right next to his head if he makes a noise I run over and stick it under his mouth fun night ahead of me for sure!!
  11. Some cool ides on it. like the plugs that act like a generator. and the rear rack would hold a ton of stuff looks like.
  12. Still having fun he's been puking for like 3 hours on an off. guess who gets to clean it up?
  13. Not true scruit my 88 year old grandmother eats it when she needs to clean out the "plumbing" as she calls it.
  14. Hey its a job just unlike what most people would be willing to put up with at a job.
  15. Yeah I am kinda the scary crazy neighbor or so the desperate house wives on my corner like to talk about me. What ever they leave me alone LOL!
  16. I am on kid number 4 I had a bucket handy since he was not feeling well. But he filled half the pail up. chocolate milk and corn for the most part smelled mmmm good. I almost lost my dinner just from the smell of it.
  17. Yeah sniper we are best friends.
  18. My property don't think it would stick lol. I have sat on my back patio to clean my guns after a range trip when I know they are outside
  19. I open carry when I cut my grass to make a statement to my anti gun neighbors does that count as a political statement?
  20. What is a open carry holster? Lulz how is it different then my own holster I cover with my shirt? Man now im all confused??!
  21. F this thread no less then half hour after I reread this and lol my 4 year old pukes all over the place karma sucks.
  22. I try not to carry ammo an gun in the same range bag. I will keep the case out on the seat and put thebag in the floorboard.
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