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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. So which one you going to tomorrow Paul? Maybe I will meet you there since I am home and bored as shit.
  2. Maybe I will pass this on to my Dad as he lives in one of the cities on there and he likes to fight with his mayor, sends him letters and emails all the time. I might send a few as well since I am home for awhile still and am super bored LOL!
  3. Why go .45 when you can go .500? LOl And when does any thread on OR not go to shit after the first page or two?
  4. I have ridden a dr 650 and a klr 650 before both bigger displacement singles with WAY less vibes. Is it the state of tune that the ktm motor is in that makes it vibe so hard? I loved my demo ride I did but it made my hands numb in a matter of mins. I have seen the new 690 duke at rousch and it is way bigger then the 2001 duke I test rode. Do they still vibe as bad? and how do they compare for long range use?
  5. Go figure the mayor of almost every major city is on there. And the other cities that I know where they are don't surprise me much. At least my home town is not listed yet.
  6. Let's see 97 guns at a average of $400+ and the reward is how much?
  7. Lol. That must be the bigger one then if it makes a boom.
  8. I still have to see if there is one close by. Do they serve other stuff since I hate coffee?
  9. Why you all hating on him he had a jacket and helmet on.
  10. Kinda the same thing I was thinking that they wanted to try to take the farm.
  11. Not to mention I could buy 3 lc9's for the price of one 1911.
  12. Have you shot a lc9? I like mine a lot. The long trigger pull is good since I don't carry it with the safety on.
  13. I hope they come out with it and the others soon.
  14. 5+1 and a bit heavier then the 7+1 lc9. I am still waiting to hear about a 9 mm version.
  15. Thank goodness the Glocks will be safe then.
  16. Just talked to Rich at the middleburg store they are out of stock but you can order one at the same price of 179.99 and he said price is good at all four locations. Hopes this helps I might drive up there today an order one?
  17. So the season premier was pretty cool let's hope the rest of the season is as good.
  18. I test rode one back in the day. Very fun bike, after it vibrated off the side stand while warming up. No lie it was shaking that bad. But my god what a whoolie machine.
  19. Let's see if they make it out of the fire fight in the bar. And if the wife gets messed up from rolling the car over.
  20. You were almost able to slip a bit in there about being unarmed before they cut the clip. Lol good job.
  21. Weird they have the stainless one for $179.99 but the black stainless is listed for $269.99?
  22. Wow when did they start doing 3 pm on sunday? it use to be 9-5 sat and 9-4 sundays.
  23. I had one for awhile, it never had a hicup. It fed everything I ran through it. For that price I might pick another one up LOL! It was a good gun for up close. Past 21 feet not so good of groups. but at 21 feet I use to be able to put all 7 rounds of fmj into a 3-4 inch group.
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