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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I had a magna as well I am a bigger guy and rode it two up with no loss of performance. It would also get my vote as well.
  2. I have looked at the nano and did not care for it. Same with the sig single stack shit trigger on both of them. Plus the price is way out there for a single stack compact.
  3. I have a xd9sc in 9mm very good gun. I also have a single stack 9mm for summer/deep concealment. Like the others said 9mm is cheaper to shoot then the .40 if you plan to shoot a lot. Try going to riverside range in the falls they rent guns I think try the ones out you are thinking about buying and get a better feel for them. If you want I could meet you guys down there and you could try the few 9mm I have. The other part of your question, I carry almost every time I leave my house. I cant carry at work but it stays locked up while i'm there, then goes back on when I get out.
  4. Yeah we are in first by over 40 now. 101
  5. No nothing much more then taking a shooting block up to the local metro park range and shooting at that. I also take balloons up there for the kids to shoot at. I almost got my crossbow sighted in. Until i missed a shot and had to go look in the woods about 150 feet behind the back stop. My son just picked up his first "real bow" for christmas this year and has only shot it twice so far. My younger son had fun shooting there little recurve bow at the balloons. Back on topic get that orange stripe changed to red yet Hob?
  6. That's funny cause I stopped to get gas on the way home they told me there bathrooms were closed? So I pissed in the garbage can next to my car while I was pumping gas.
  7. Up to tenth. Good idea putting it in the firearms forums this month.
  8. I had the bike out today it is warm enough to do short rides. then I went and shot the bow with the kids for a bit. Like spring today...
  9. Remember when he shot that lawyer? I do
  10. My work? But its in cleveland.
  11. Was looking more for the ar-10 lower, my next build will be .308, or maybe 6.8?
  12. Are they all 5.56? Or is there any other calibers available?
  13. Looking better now a trip to pep boys to get a coffee can pipe for it.LOL J/K it does make it look better.
  14. Makes me want to take my dr-350 out in the woods for sure now since I am like 5 feet tall!
  15. Alright $275 final offer lol!
  16. I will give ya $250 for it.
  17. I would but have a surgery this month and am gonna miss a month of work so money will be tight. Unless someone buys my triple soon?
  18. The mosin plan sounds good minus the barska scope. They have been know to break under hard recoil. For the same money go with a bushnell banner or a nikon.
  19. Never bought from him yet, but I have to say Dale is the cheapest price I have been given on the pmr30. I almost ordered one from him, still might by the time it comes in I can save up the money.
  20. Put in a good word for the xd line will ya LOL!
  21. Wow kawi getting a new bike this summer? About time.
  22. Plan on lots of rides this summer, we meet out on rt 83 and ride south from there. Or we meet on rt 212 in bolivar and head east. Welcome from the n.e.o.
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