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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I hit my boot on 556 from a little push from my rear tire.
  2. Mid december you want to do some work to it? I will have monies over the winter if it don't sell. if it does I am gonna pimp the dr out.
  3. I either need a divorce or to start riding more my jedi skills are getting rusty. I still feel ok riding just not as fast due to lack of miles.
  4. WRONG I can't outrun the warden get it straight. LOL!
  5. Ah the good old days when I could ride all day and laugh at Paul. Now the fucktards faster then me I thinks??
  6. Its hard to get the feet moving some days. Think i am doomed to ride the triple forever!! Guess there are worse bikes to be stuck with.
  7. I think I clocked about 335 miles and I cut out early. just a short ride today;)
  8. I MIGHT try to make it on my dr 350 if I get the tires changed? The wife is still mad about this weekends ride so will see?
  9. And then the student passes the teacher! I need to get out more I am slow as shit anymore.
  10. Sorry inside jokes being dished out here. Paul showed up once LONG ago with no gloves and a newb. He ended up buying a pair of cotton work gloves at the DQ in bolivar and getting them soaked due to mist/fog. ask him what happened next
  11. Why do you have to take your helmet off to gas up?
  12. It is awsome that you guys helped these kids to learn the ropes of riding.
  13. So who wants to buy the bike after the big group ride?
  14. Well then I don't feel as bad since I have not been on a ride in three months.
  15. This was most likely my last group ride for the year. I have the triple up for sale and if it sells I will be left with my dr 350 as my only bike. It is a fun bike to ride but not up to snuff to take on any twisty roads.
  16. If we are gonna squid it out akron is the place to be maybe we could get the star boyz to lead the ride lol!
  17. I call BS the guys on the super moto's seemed much happier then us as they caught us on 556 LOL!
  18. I told you fucktards I was slow why do you think i tricked you into the lead for a bit Justin LOL!
  19. You been riding for awhile doc just not on twisty ohio roads.
  20. ^Says the guy who showed up for a ride in cotton work gloves LOL!
  21. You were behind me most of the ride Justin. how much did I break? I think that most new riders ride the brakes to much.
  22. I think i used my brake a few times on this ride? If you set corner speed before you enter the corner you don't need to brake. A down shift is all thats needed to scrub speed.
  23. Nice video Mykill LOL! stupid pumpkin fest, SWEET TEA!
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